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Index to 2024 1st Q Staten Island ObituariesMain Obituaries pageStaten Island Advance Death Notices now at - 90 days online Staten Island Advance Obituaries at - older weeks linked on the left Please note: The obits often appear online the day before they appear in the paper. If you don't find it in the date below, check the next day's paper. LAST NAME, First Name (MAIDEN); Age; Locations; Newspaper date yyyy-mm-dd (death date); spouse(s), (marriage), (spouse death), (military honors) [no obits found for 2024-03-31] [no obits found for 2024-03-30] DEMPSEY, Michael Bryan; 42; SI NY>Millsboro DE; 2024-03-29; (gpars SHEEHY) LIEDY, Diane (); 75; ; 2024-03-28; James LIEDY (d) [no obits found for 2024-03-27] RUFOLO, Salvatore; 75; Tompkinsville SI NY>West Brighton; 2024-03-26; ? (ca 1972) (d 2015) [no obits found for 2024-03-25] [no obits found for 2024-03-24] LEWIS, William Lockhart; 90; Port Richmond SI NY>NY>Pinehurst NC; 2024-03-23; Annie LANDE (23 Jun 1956) (mom nee LOCKHART) ARAGONA, Gaynor; abt 71; Bklyn NY>SI NY; 2024-03-22; Denise ___ PAONE, Robert; 77; SI NY>Piermont NY; 2024-03-21; Marlaine SCHNEIDER (d) (mom nee AMBROSIO) TERRY, Raymond Jr.; 89; Holmdel NJ; 2024-03-21; Rose Marie ___ (d) LICHTENSTEIGER, Cyril; 96; Surrey ENG>NY>SI NY; 2024-03-20; Dolores ___ (d) (mom nee SENFT) DAVIS, Antoinette G. (CAREY); 99; SI NY>Westerleigh; 2024-03-19; Vincent DAVIS DAGBO, Olufemi M.; 68; Oyo, NIG>SI NY; 2024-03-18; Yvrose ___ (d Sep 2013) (survived by dad) ABRAHAM, Rita (); 69; SI NY; 2024-03-17; Steve ABRAHAM BASILE, Thomas Leon; 60; McAllen TX>SI NY; 2024-03-17; Jill ___ BARISCIANO, Madeline (VALENTE); 90; SI NY>Whiting NJ; 2024-03-17; Angelo BARISCIANO (ca 1950) (d Jul 2010) (mom nee PASCIULLO) BRENNAN, Joseph T.; 77; SI NY>Cape Cod MA; 2024-03-16; Margie ___ MASINI, Betty (?LaMORTE?); 90; Bklyn NY>SI NY>Manchester NJ; 2024-03-16; Bruno MASINI (d) SCANLON, Dorothy (TERRANOVA); 85; Bklyn NY>NJ>Mountainside NJ; 2024-03-16; John T. SCANLON (mom nee SCHEY) ZURLO, Ralph; 78; Bklyn NY>SI NY; 2024-03-14; Andrea ___ (ca 1972) LERCHE GOLDBERG, Harriette; 87; Bronx NY>CA>Oakwood SI NY>Lantana FL; 2024-03-15; (mom nee WASSERMAN) BRENNAN VINDIGNI, Germaine; 88; Tangent, AB, CAN>SI NY>?>East Marion __; 2024-03-15; Salvatore VINDIGNI (Jun 1956) (d) STARK, Dorothea J. (HOGAN); 94; Rosebank SI NY>VA>SI NY; 2024-03-14; Dr. Thomas A. STARK (d) (mom nee WILLIAMS) GRIFFIN, Marguerite (); 92; ?>New Brighton SI NY; 2024-03-14; DELANEY, Eileen Kathleen (); 96; Chester PA>NY>SI NY>CA>NJ>HI>MI>DC>NH>NY>DC>Centreville VA; 2024-03-14; Eugene A. DELANEY (1950) (d Mar 2001) WROBLESKI, Stanley R.; 95; Bklyn NY>Eltingville SI NY; 2024-03-13; Kathryn COURTNEY (08Feb1951) (d 2015) (mom nee DAWICZKOWSKI) DEMPSEY, Howard Joseph; ; Manh NY>New Dorp Beach SI NY>New Springville>Delray Beach FL; 2024-03-13; Diane PAROLARI (ca 1968) TARSIO, Patricia (BRAINE); ; West Brighton SI NY>Tottenville>Punta Gorda FL; 2024-03-13; Patrick TARSIO (d) KATZ, Wallace David; 92; ; 2024-03-12; Carol ___ QUINN, William C.; 98; ; 2024-03-12; Edna ___ (d) [no obits found for 2024-03-11] HOLTERMANN, Edith (ARMEND); 95; Oakwood SI NY>Richmond; 2024-03-10; Albert HOLTERMANN (d) [no obits found for 2024-03-09] [no obits found for 2024-03-08] NORMILE, John C. Jr.; 65; West Brighton SI NY>Fort Myers FL; 2024-03-07; WILLIAMS, Joseph; ; New Bedford MA>NY>Dongan Hills SI NY; 2024-03-07; Gloria DeGORGE (d) [no obits found for 2024-03-06] [no obits found for 2024-03-05] [no obits found for 2024-03-04] NYBRO, Hans Raymond; 84; SI NY; 2024-03-03; Rose ___ (ca 1962) DUFFY, Mary Jane (); 86; SI NY>NY>Tinton Falls [NJ]; 2024-03-03; Joseph DUFFY Sr. (d) CLARK, Theresa P. (PAUL); 94; SI NY>VA>SI NY>NJ>Washington NJ; 2024-03-02; Joseph B. CLARK (1953) (d 2022) HETTLER, Roy Jr.; 75; NJ; 2024-03-02; (mom nee LALLY) CONNELLY, John J.; 91; Bklyn NY>Eltingville SI NY; 2024-03-01; Marion ___ (ca 1960) MERLINO, Ida; 103; Port Richmond SI NY; 2024-02-29; MOSER, Stephen Jr.; 78; Bronx NY>OH>Middletown Springs VT; 2024-02-29; Mary ___ (div) DOWNING, Richard Paul; 71; Prince's Bay [sic] SI NY>Williamsville VT; 2024-02-28; Peg ___ GANGEMI, Edward Francis; 68; SI NY>Magdalena NM; 2024-02-28; (mom nee McCOURT) DONOHUE, Harriet (CAPDEVIELLE); 94; New Dorp SI NY>West Brighton>Grant City; 2024-02-27; Edward DONOHUE (1951) (d 2009) [no obits found for 2024-02-26] [no obits found for 2024-02-25] BARRETT, Nicolina (); 67; ; 2024-02-24; Patrick BARRETT Jr. (d) CROWLEY, Mary Ellen; 90; SI NY; 2024-02-24; (mom nee GARVIN) MARLI, Thomas; 74; SI NY>Selkirk NY; 2024-02-24; ETTLINGER, Todd Waldron; ; Cedar Grover?>Richmondtown SI NY; 2024-02-24; Mary ___ (ca 1974) CICHON, John B.; abt 66; ; 2024-02-22; MERICKO, Cyril; 83; Zavadka SLO>NYC; 2024-02-21; Ann ___ (1965) PITOU, David Walker; 93; SI NY; 2024-02-21; "preceded in death by his widow Barbara JEBY" (medal of valor recipient) DIANTO, John Joseph; 83; Stapleton SI NY>Port Orange FL; 2024-02-22; Louise ___ (mom nee D'ULIO, dad nee D'AIUTO) GREEN, Virginia M. (); ; ; 2024-02-22; Eugene GREEN (ca 1966) McKEEVER, Kevin S.; 63; SI NY>Bradenton FL; 2024-02-22; TIMMONS, Anna R.; 95; Bklyn NY>SI NY; 2024-02-22; (mom nee GUNDERSEN) McPOLIN, Paul J.; 82; Bklyn NY>Great Kills SI NY>FL, Annadale; 2024-02-21; Evangeline MONROIG (1965) DIAMOND COHEN, Judith; 101; New Brighton SI NY; 2024-02-21; Daniel COHEN (ca 1945) (d 2009) (mom nee JAEGER) GUINTA, Peter Carmine; 60; ; 2024-02-21; NOONE, Maureen Ann (STYLES); 59; SI NY; 2024-02-21; John NOONE (1994) RITCHIE, John Hugh; 97; SI NY>Granville OH; 2024-02-21; Ruth L. HOOPER (d 05Aug1992), Frances S. COTTINGHAM (d 11Sep2015) (mom nee WILLIAMS) SPATOLA LETTA, Ellen; ; SI NY>Morristown [NJ?]; 2024-02-21; KLOSE SCHWEIKERT, Arlene Louise; 91; Travis SI NY>Tottenville; 2024-02-20; Francis X. SCHWEIKERT (1949) (d) MOORE, Brian Patrick; 66; Bay Terrace SI NY>Mountainside NJ; 2024-02-20; Corinne DUGGAN (ca 1983) McTIGUE, John P.; 89; Manh NY>Great Kills SI NY; 2024-02-20; Rose KENNY (d) (mom nee McGOVERN) SPATOLA LETTA, Ellen; ; SI NY>Morristown area [NJ?]; 2024-02-20; ROSSO ALBUNIO, RoseAnn; 89; SI NY>Kunkletown PA; 2024-02-19; Pasquale J ALBUNIO (14Feb1954 (d 2020 [no obits found for 2024-02-18] CORRADO, Paul A.; 72; Bklyn NY>CA>New Dorp SI NY; 2024-02-17; NEWSOME, Shilda (); 64; SI NY; 2024-02-16; MOORE, Karen Elaine (DE GWECK); 68; Castleton Corners SI NY; 2024-02-16; William H. MOORE (ca 1980) CONNOLLY, Michael; 33; SI NY; 2024-02-15; WILKINSON, Emily J. (WILKINSON); 95; SI NY; 2024-02-15; Robert MORRISON (d) (mom nee PERINE) SUOZZO, Edward J.; 62; SI NY; 2024-02-15; Linda RITTMAN (div) [no obits found for 2024-02-14] DOYLE, George E.; 80; Manh NY>Fort Wadsworth SI NY; 2024-02-13; Patricia ___ NAHAS, Sam G. Jr.; 48; Bklyn NY; 2024-02-13; (mom nee VECCHIO) COLLETTE, Robert V. Sr.; ; ; 2024-02-12; Theresa ___ [no obits found for 2024-02-11] KING, Christine M. (VOLPE); 86; ; 2024-02-10; Michael C. KING (d) PIRO, Marie (MOORE); ; Bklyn NY>SI NY; 2024-02-09; Salvatore PIRO (ca 1970) [no obits found for 2024-02-08] SILVERSTEIN DAVIS, Susan; 86; Bklyn NY>Woodbridge CT; 2024-02-07; Paul Harvey DAVIS (ca 1971) (d 2021) CAMERA, Claire Theresa (); 69; ; 2024-02-07; Michael CAMERA Sr. DiVERNIERI DRUCKER, Andrea P.; 63; SI NY; 2024-02-07; Perry DRUCKER LINDEMANN, Arthur E. Jr.; abt 83; Westerleigh SI NY; 2024-02-07; Joyce KASEGRANDE (1965) McGOWAN, Linda (LIMARDO); ; PR>NY>Rosebank SI NY; 2024-02-07; Thomas McGOWAN REINA, Michele M. (DiLELLA); 97; SI NY>Whiting NJ; 2024-02-06; ? [no obits found for 2024-02-05] [no obits found for 2024-02-04] O'CONNOR, Grace (COLGAN); 81; ; 2024-02-03; Lawrence O'CONNOR (d) CAPUCCIO, Judith Ann; 77; Richmond VA>New Dorp SI NY; 2024-02-03; PESCI, Isabel (KOTARSKI); 101; Hudson MA>SI NY>Granitville>Lancaster PA; 2024-02-03; Alfred LALLI (d), Alphonse PESCI (01Jan1947) (d 1985) CHIRONNA, Carmela (); ; SI NY; 2024-02-02; Valerio CHIRONNA (d) [no obits found for 2024-02-01] [no obits found for 2024-01-31] MONACO, Michael A. Sr.; 95; Bklyn NY>SI NY>NY>Morristown NJ; 2024-01-30; Roseanne ___ (ca 1956) (d 2018) [no obits found for 2024-01-29] THORSEN, Theodore; 85; Bklyn NY>SI NY; 2024-01-28; Christine ___ PETERSON, Robert D. Jr.; 47; Wheaton IL>FL>SI NY (d Cherry Valley IL); 2024-01-28; [no obits found for 2024-01-27] EDWARDS, Rev. Charlesworth A.S.; 71; Antigua>NY>SI NY; 2024-01-26; Maria ___ (ca 1992) WALKER, Albert Penn Jr.; 77; NYC>Bklyn NY; 2024-01-25; (mom nee THOMPSON?) QUINN, Donna Ann; 40; SI NY; 2024-01-24; (mom nee GIOVINAZZO, other names SACCA, MURPHY) JOHNSON, Gladys Ruth (BROWN); 95; Fall River MA>Port Richmond SI NY>Emerson Hill>NJ>Easton MD; 2024-01-24; Calvin Herberg JOHNSON (29Aug1948) (d 2006) FARRELL, James; 93; Bronx NY>SI NY>Port St. Lucie FL; 2024-01-24; Eileen HEINBUCHER (d) (mom nee HUGHES) CAPPELLO, Joseph V.; 82; New Dorp SI NY; 2024-01-24; (mom nee CROCIATA) GIORLANDO, John Andrew; 64; Mariner's Harbor SI NY; 2024-01-23; [no obits found for 2024-01-22] [no obits found for 2024-01-21] CUCCO, Enrico Jr.; 87; Rosebank SI NY; 2024-01-20; Angela DiCLERICO (ca 1960) (d 2021) (mom nee PIEDILATO) PADULA, Anna; 93; Dongan Hills SI NY; 2024-01-20; McCLEOD, John Jr.; ; NC>NY; 2024-01-19; [no obits found for 2024-01-18] RAFFONE, Arnold Earl; 81; SI NY>Lancaster PA; 2024-01-17; Linda FLORKIEWICZ (ca 1965) (mom nee LAMBERTSON) BRESCIA, Ernest Sr.; 89; Naples ITA>USA>Great Kills SI NY>Bridgewater NJ; 2024-01-17; Ada EBRO (1957) (d), Filomena MOSCATIELLO (d) CREIGHTON, Linda-Carole (MAZUR); 74; Manh NY>SI NY>NJ>Barnegat NJ; 2024-01-17; John CREIGHTON OLSEN, John; 62; Bklyn NY>SI NY; 2024-01-17; Karen ___ KILEY, Dr. Charles W.; 79; SI NY>Scotch Plains NJ; 2024-01-16; Carol Lynn D'AMBROSIO (ca 1971) [no obits found for 2024-01-15] McALARNEY, James; 76; SI NY>Manor Heights; 2024-01-14; Ann Marie MANGIERO (ca 1969) (d 2000) ZAJAC, Marie (FOGLIO); abt 87; Manh NY>SI NY; 2024-01-13; Raymond ZAJAC (1958) (d) CHEE, Robert Sr.?; ; ; 2024-01-12; JoAnne MELLOY CARPINIELLO GILLIGAN, Lydia; abt 81; South Beach SI NY>Grant City>Brick NJ; 2024-01-12; (mom nee SACCO) MARINO, Ann (TRINCILLA); ; New Springville SI NY; 2024-01-12; Ben MARINO (d) ROLAND, Jean Lucier (); 99; SI NY; 2024-01-12; Albert ROLAND (d) KUDLESS, Robert J.; abt 79; SI NY>NJ>Califon NJ; 2024-01-11; Claire MECONI (1978) DELASSANDRO, Salvatore; ; Bulls Head SI NY; 2024-01-11; (mom nee PETRUZZI) KACZMAREK, Esther G. (?JONES?); ; Wilkes Barre PA>NJ>Westerleigh SI NY>Travis>?; 2024-01-10; Leon A. KACZMAREK (ca 1952) (d 2004) BURNS, Nancy (CONTE); abt 88; SI NY>NJ>Indian Land SC; 2024-01-09; William J. BURNS (d), Charles DIETSCH (div) (d Jan 2023) MARCHETTI, Madeline; 94; Bklyn NY>NY>FL>SI NY; 2024-01-09; (mom nee DELUCA) SEGAL, Rochelle (KURTIN); ; ; 2024-01-09; Dr. Herman SEGAL (d) SHADRICK, Glenis R.; 81; Walling's Creek KY>NC>TX>NY; 2024-01-09; Betty Jean YOUNG (d) [no obits found for 2024-01-08] OZONE, Fred; 80; Bklyn NY>New Dorp SI NY; 2024-01-07; Diane BUONO (ca 1976) (mom nee HALLAL) MAHALA, Daniel; 89; West Brighton SI NY; 2024-01-07; Jill ___ (ca 1959) CLARK, Frances (WOOD); 88; Bklyn NY>SI NY>Greensboro NC; 2024-01-07; Jack CLARK (d) [no obits found for 2024-01-06] HEIDLER, Alfred W. Jr.; 93; Stapleton SI NY>West Brighton; 2024-01-05; Catherine FARRELL (1955) (d 1979), Margaret RUSSO (1983) McLANE, Megan I.; 44; SI NY>Williams Twp __; 2024-01-05; (mom nee DODD) KUHN, Richard D.; 89; Randall Manor SI NY>Princeton NJ; 2024-01-04; Perla ___ (ca 1964) JOBIN, Barbara Ann (); ; SI NY>Toms River NJ; 2024-01-04; Ronald JOBIN (d 2020) [no obits found for 2024-01-03] CHRISTOFFERSEN, Mary Anne (MURPHY); 84; Castleton Corners SI NY; 2024-01-02; Alan CHRISTOFFERSEN (1959) (d) MOSCHELLA, Joseph J.; 94; Rosebank SI NY>Lincroft NJ; 2024-01-02; Edna ___ (d) VALENTE, Louis; 89; Bklyn NY>SI NY; 2024-01-02; Dora PIACENTE (d) [no obits found for 2024-01-02] [no obits found for 2024-01-01] |