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Order of the Eastern Star

Membership List

Including Addresses



Booklet generously provided by Robert Chagnon. Electronically input by Janet.



Order of the Eastern Star

From https://oesny.org/ (excellent, informative site):

The Order of the Eastern Star is a social, charitable and Fraternal Organization to which both women and men can belong. There are approximately 48,000 members throughout the State of New York. The Order of the Eastern Star is comprised of 395 Chapters and is divided into 39 regional Districts within the State of New York. The regional Districts are usually comprised of one or more counties.
Membership in the Order of the Eastern Star is open to women 18 years of age or older, as well as Master Masons in good standings in their Lodges. A candidate may make their application through a Masonic Relationship or by being sponsored by a member of the Order of the Eastern Star who is a Master Mason. A belief in a Supreme Being is also required.


Current Staten Island (Richmond District) Chapters:

Beacon Light Chapter #75

Huguenot Chapter #88

Tompkins-Rebecca Chapter #214

Bay View Chapter #675

Staten Island Chapter #681




Note: They used a symbol in the booklet which was three dots shaped like the points of a triangle. It was usually used in the title, for example after the R and the W in R W Jessie M Willshaw. I have substituted two colons as such: :: for it.

 Membership Booklet

Tompkins Chapter

No. 715

O. E. S.




Enthusiasm, "That’s Us"












"Hail guest".

We ask not what thou art;

If friend, we greet thee hand and heart

If stranger, such no longer be;

If foe, our love shall conquer thee.

If there is any place in the world where cordiality and good fellowship should reign supreme it is at our Chapter Meetings. If you are not acquainted with those who sit beside you then the true spirit of the Eastern Star is not present. "Get busy." Wear a smile, and say "Sister my name is ....... What is yours?" The happiness derived from doing deeds of kindness is the highest the purest, and the most lasting of human enjoyments.


Officers for 1931

May L. Helstern Worthy Matron
Frederick Marsh Worthy Patron
Adolphine Bruns Associate Matron
R:: W:: Jessie M. Willshaw Treasurer
W::Marie M. Thompson Secretary
Doris M. Ball Conductress
Martha Christie Associate Conductress
Clemenza Mechling Chaplain
Eleanor Helstern Marshall
Anna Rasmussen Assistant Marshall
Louise Coston Historian
Marion MacIntyre Organist
Louise Rader Warder
Etta Stratton Sentinel
Ethel Bridgens Adah
Anna Voutson Ruth
Marguerite Parker Esther
Ida Rodtz Martha
Mary Tillman Electa
Anna Koch Trustee 3 years
Mary Austin Trustee 2 years
Theresa Vesper Trustee 1 year
Olene Johnson Color Bearer

Hostesses for the Year

W:: Lillian Langstroth W:: Anna Taker

W:: Mabel Powell W:: Anna Osborne




R:: W:: Jessie M. Willshaw

W:: Lillian Langstroth

W:: Mabel Powell

W:: Anna Taker

W:: Anna Osborne

W:: Theresa Vesper

W:: Mary D. Austin

W:: Anna Koch

W:: Arthur Simonson

R:: W:: James Powell

W:: Frederick Marsh

R:: W:: Arthur Long

R:: W:: Everett Jackson

W:: Marie M. Thompson





Sister Eva Baumerth

Brother James L. Powell

Sister Jane A. Gunther


Sister Bertha Trautman, Chairman


Sister Martha Christie, Chairman

Sister Catharine Cambria

Sister Anna E. Mewhort

Sister Henrietta Arthur


W:: May L. Helstern

Doris Ball

Adolphine Bruns

Martha Christie

Auditing Committee

Brother Henry Trautman

Sister Etta Stratton

Sister Lillian Langstroth






ACKERMAN Caroline 179 Pine St. Stapleton
ANSELM Wendelena 175 Cebra Ave. Tompkinsville
ARTHUR Henrietta 409 Clove Rd. West Brighton
AUSTIN Mary D 141 Westervelt Ave. New Brighton






BAETZ Edith 908 Van Duzer St. Stapleton
BAIRD Belle 119 Bache Ave. New Dorp
BAIRD Ethel 119 Bache Ave. New Dorp
BAIR Nettie 119 Bache Ave. New Dorp
BALL Doris 11 Melrose Ave. Tompkinsville
BAUMERTH Eva 30 Greenwood Ave. West Brighton
BENCH Sarah 793 Jewett Ave. Westerleigh
BINGLER Elizabeth 2 Corson Ct. Stapleton
BLAKE Anna 19 White Pl. West Brighton
BOLLMAN Christine 339 Clarke Ave. Richmond
BOOTH Jessie 608 Carey Ave. West Brighton
BOYD Florence 157 Potter Ave. West New Brighton



BRIDGENS Ethel 208 Oakwood Ave. West Brighton
BROOME Jennie 59 Raleigh Ave. West Brighton
BRUNS Adolphine 2010 Clove Ave. Grasmere
BUSETH Agnes L. 348 Castleton Ave. Tompkinsville






CAMBRIA Catherine 18 Linden Ave. West Brighton
CAMPBELL Louise 186 Canal St. Stapleton
CAMPBELL May V 87 Bodine St. West New Brighton
CARR Effie 69 Greely Ave. Grant City
CHAGNON Selma F. D. 2022 Clove Ave. Grasmere
CHRISTIE Martha 196 Dongan St. West Brighton
CHRISTIE Ruth 196 Dongan St. West Brighton
CHRISTOFFERSEN Anna 216 Sheldon Ave. Annadale
CLARK Susan 59 Sherman Ave. Tompkinsville
COFFENBERG Ethel 126 Benziger Ave. New Brighton
COLLINS Mabel 8 Vreeland St. Port Richmond
CORBETT Jennie 137 Fairview Ave. New Brighton
COSGROVE Carol 78 Greig Pl. Randall Manor
COSTEN Louise 51 Wall St. St. George
CUMMING Pauline 333 Hanover Ave. Concord
CURTIS Jessie 354 Hoyt Ave. West Brighton






DANIELS Lydia 110 Belmont Pl. St. George
DAWKINS Grace A. St. Geo. Gardens St. George
DICKIESON Mary 252 12th St. Midland Beach
DE FOREST Anna 52 South St. New Brighton
DE NYSE Viva Lawrence Ave. West Brighton
DONALD Anna 453 Park Ave Perth Amboy, NJ
DRYDEN Mary L 20 Scribner Ave. New Brighton
DYER Fanny 2064 Clove Ave. Grasmere






EGBERT Ada 6 Hardy St. Stapleton
ELLIS Edwina 20 Congress St. Stapleton
ELSE Mary P 36 Vista Ave. Dongan Hills






FARLOW Sarah 22 St. Mark's Pl. New Brighton
FAZAKERLY Venita 564 Bement Ave. West Brighton
FEIST Emma 78 Osgood Ave. Stapleton
FOLVIG Ingrid J. 196 Rathbone Ave. Annadale
FONNER Martha 19 W. 55th St. NYC
FRANZREB Mary 300 College Ave. Westerleigh






GEBHARDT Signa. 766 52nd St. Brooklyn
GIPPERT Irene 1657 Castleton Ave. Port Richmond
GUNTHER Jane A Amboy Road Annadale






HAGEN Catherine



HANSON Ethel 175 Forest Ave. Tompkinsville
HARDING Elizabeth 787 Tompkins St. Fort Wadsworth
HARKNESS Alma 296 St. Marks Pl. Tompkinsville
HEIMBERGER Marie L. Spring Hill Rd. Randall Manor
HELSTERN Eleanor 85 Grant Pl. Grant Manor
HELSTERN May L. 85 Grant Pl. Grant Manor
HERBST Theresa E. 825 Annadale Rd. Annadale
HOHENSTEIN Irene 1675 Castleton Ave. Port Richmond
HOLTERMAN Dorothy 304 Clark Ave. Richmond
HOLTERMAN Sophie 199 Clark Ave. Richmond
HUTTON Harry 146 Allen Pl. New Brighton
HUTTON Mary 146 Allen Pl. New Brighton






JACKSON Everett 60 Buchanan St. New Brighton
JACKSON Josephine 60 Buchanan St. New Brighton
JENSEN Carrie 805 Arden Ave. Annadale
JOHNSON Charlotte 4118 Carpenter Ave. NYC
JOHNSEN Hannah 19 Ludwig St. West Brighton
JOHNSON Olene 18 James St. West Brighton
JONES Ethel M 14 Clinton Ave. Port Richmond






KARLSON Anna 201 Forest Ave. New Brighton
KING Helen M 627 Jewett Ave. Westerleigh
KOCH Anna M 85 Highview Ave. New Brighton
KOEHLER Dora 75 Cebra Ave. Tompkinsville
KOENIG Sylvia 46 Highview Ave. New Brighton
KOSTER Anna 740 Richmond Rd. Concord
KOTYZA Anna 161 Fillmore St. New Brighton
KRATZER Esther 87 High St. Fort Wadsworth






LAKE G. Eileen 201 Hamilton Ave. St. George
LANGSTROTH Lillian J 467 Bard Ave. West Brighton
LAUB Elizabeth 27 Henderson Ave. New Brighton
LAWRENCE Mabel 60 Gramercy Park West. NYC
LIEBIG Pearl 8 Van Duzer St. Tompkinsville
LINDHOLM Serena 158 Pelton Ave. West Brighton
LINDSEY Anna 69 Beach St. Stapleton
LINDSEY Julianna 32 Forest Rd. Dongan Hills
LINKE Caroline 95 Boyd St. Stapleton
LOCKWOOD Anna 118 Bache Ave. New Dorp
LONG Arthur 45 Raleigh Ave. West Brighton
LONG Bertha 45 Raleigh Ave. West Brighton
LUNDEN Sophronia 137 Fairview Ave. West Brighton






MACINTYRE Marion 130 Allen Pl. New Brighton
MACDERMOTT Elsie 598 W. 177th St. NYC
MAHEN Dorothy M. 138 Livermore Ave. Westerleigh
MARSH Dorothy 246 Hart Ave. West Brighton
MARSH Frederick 246 Hart Ave. West Brighton
MARTINSEN Alvilda 117 Waldrow Ave. Sunnyside
MASON Hazel 76 Sand St. Stapleton
MECKLING Clemmenza 28 Pommer Ave. Stapleton
MEWHORT Anna 37 Targee St. Stapleton
MITCHELL Sally 1 Centre St. New Dorp
MUMME Evelyn D 217 Hamilton St. St. George






NEFF Alice L 14 White St. Rosebank
NELSON Ruth 138 Prescott Ave. Grant City
NILSON Dagmar 1050 Arden Ave. Annadale






OSBORNE Anna 1236 Union St. Brooklyn
OSBORNE Hazel 1236 Union St. Brooklyn
O'SHAUNNESSY Harriet St. George Gardens St. George
OSIER Sophia 89 Purcell St. West Brighton






PACE Catherine M 53 Odegard Ave. West Brighton
PARKER Marguerite 89 Fulton St. Stapleton
PEARCE Mabel 173 Lee Ave. Tottenville
PEDERSON Hedwig 20 Chester Pl. Stapleton
PETERSON Charlton 368 St. Marks Pl. St. George
PETERSON Edith 368 St. Marks Pl. St. George
PETERSON Esther 90 Fingerboard Rd. Fort Wadsworth
PETERSON George 90 Fingerboard Rd Fort Wadsworth
PHILLIPS Anna 45 Crescent Ave. New Brighton
PIERCE Edna 48 Clinton St. Port Richmond
POWELL James 152 Bodine St. West Brighton
POWELL Mabel 152 Bodine St. West Brighton






RADER Louise 1214 Richmond Rd. Dongan Hills
RANDON Harriet 235 Craig Ave. Tottenville
RASMUSSEN Anna 726 Bay St. Stapleton
REDMOND Grace 91 Sand St. Stapleton
RIEB Marjorie 320 Forest Ave. West Brighton
RIPON Grace E 453 Delafield Ave. West Brighton
RODTZ Ida 1801 Clove Ave. Concord
ROMER Mamie 23 Egbert Pl. Fort Wadsworth
RUBELLI Elizabeth 113 Hooker Pl. Port Richmond
RUFF Harriet M. 182 Mountain View Ave. West Brighton






SALVERSON Lydia 282 Rose Ave. New Dorp
SCHAEFER Emily 91 Ann St. Port Richmond
SCHAFER Martha 15 Stobe Ave. Dongan Hills
SCHLERETH Jennie 5 Chester Pl. Tompkinsville
SCHMEISER Wilhemina 87 Wave St. Stapleton
SCHOLL Emma 220 Treadwell Ave. Port Richmond
SHARRET Natalie 145 Main St. Westerleigh
SHOPPE Nellie 19 Fingerboard Rd. Rosebank
SICCAMA Alaneda 284 Decker Ave. Port Richmond
SIMONSON Arthur 241 Talbot Pl. Stapleton
SMALL Margaret F. 91 - 3rd St. Oakwood Heights
SMITH Florence R. 1840 Berendo St. Hollywood, CA
SMITH Gertrude 54 Prince St. Stapleton
SMITH Sarah E Drury Lane Tompkinsville
SPENCER Phillis 235 Craig Ave. Tottenville
STARK Mary 20 Grey St. Stapleton
STELZNER Ida 41 Austen Pl. Tompkinsville
STRATTON Etta 130 Hagaman Pl. Port Richmond
STROMBERG Signe E. 59 Franklin Ave. New Brighton
SUTTER Esther M. 140 Bancroft Ave. Grant City
SUTTER Grace M 71 Grove St. Port Richmond






TABORECK Adelaide 14 West St. West Brighton
TABORECK Pauline 14 West St. West Brighton
TAKER Anna 2 Fairview Ave. West Brighton
TAYLOR Martha 50 Bishop Ave. New Dorp
THOMAS Blanche 2144 Beechwood St. Philadelphia, PA
THOMAS Jennie 22 Fort Pl. St. George
THOMPSON Elna 60 Evelyn Pl. Rosebank
THOMPSON Eunice 104 Boyd St. Stapleton
THOMPSON Katherine 517 Forest Ave. West Brighton
THOMPSON Marie 130 Allen P. New Brighton
THOMPSON Marguerite 204 Beechwood Ave. New Brighton
TIDD Dorothy 135 Fairview Ave. New Brighton
TIDD Edith 135 Fairview Ave. New Brighton
TILLMAN Edith 119 Winter Ave. New Brighton
TILLMAN Mary 10 Nunley Court Stapleton
TRAPP Louise 300 St. Pauls Ave. Stapleton
TRAUTMAN Bertha 36 City Blvd. West Brighton
TRAUTMAN Henry 36 City Blvd. West Brighton



TRIBERGMary43 Josephine StWest Brighton






VALENTINE Harriet E Amboy Rd. Annadale
VAN COTT Marie 111 Prospect St. New Brighton
VAN DUZER Doris 230 Davis Ave. West Brighton
VAN NAME Mary H. 12 Conyingham Ave. Randall Manor
VELTE Mabel 94 Winter Ave. New Brighton
VESPER Theresa 237 Bancroft Ave. Grant Manor
VESTER Betty 298 Calston Blvd. Brooklyn
VIDLER Nita 133 Westervelt Ave. New Brighton
VOUTSON Anna 22 Garretson Ave. Dongan Hills






WALSH Elizabeth 102 Grand Av. Sunnyside
WENNSTRON Evelyna 26 Morrison Ave. West Brighton
WESTERVELT Francis 159 Eastern Parkway Brooklyn
WHITE Marion M. 270 Decker Ave. Port Richmond
WILLSHAW Gladys 28 Pommer Ave. Tompkinsville
WILLSHAW Jessie M. 28 Pommer Ave. Tompkinsville
WILSON Emma 95 Boyd St. Stapleton
WINTERS Lena 198 Cebra Ave. Stapleton
WITT Francis 30 Park View Pl. Sunset Hill
WITT William 30 Park View Pl. Sunset Hill
WOODHOUSE Violet 364 Woodstock Ave. Tompkinsville







Officer's Address

Worthy Matron Address

Mrs. May L. Helstern

85 Grant Place

Grant Manor

Secretary's Address

Mrs. W:: Marie Thompson

130 Allen Place

New Brighton

Phone Gibraltar 7-4327




© 1999-2025 Updated on Sunday, 01-Aug-2021 18:34:20 PDT