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Transcribed by Lynn and Jamie. Thanks!!!




Author, Ira K. MORRIS, Published by the Author, West New Brighton, Staten Island

Pages 386 - 407

Chapter XXXI


Being so near to the great Metropolis, it was natural that Staten Island should have keenly felt the public pulsation of the first hours of the war. We vividly recall those exciting scenes in April, 1861, when all places of public resort overflowed with eager, inquiring multitudes; when startling bulletins met the eye at every turn, and the telegraph flashed the detail to every hamlet, until at last every vestige of doubt was removed, the last feeling of hope thrust aside, and the nation awoke from its long dream of peace to the terrible realities of intestine war.

One of the first acts of hostility in which Staten Island was directly concerned, was the seizure of the schooner "S. W. LUTRELL," of this place, at Norfolk, Virginia, for violation of the inspection laws of that State, for preventing the escape of fugitive slaves.

A large Union meeting was held at Tottenville on Saturday, the 26th of January. A banner was raised, bearing upon it the motto, "THE CONSTITUTION AND THE UNION," and the most enthusiastic expressions of devotion to country were given. Cannons were fired in honor of the Union, of General SCOTT and of Major ANDERSON.

Preparations were made to meet the expected call for troops in April. Staten Island began thus early to assume a martial air. Uniformed men were common on our streets, and from every hamlet recruits were rallying in response to the call. On the 20th of the month, a number of Staten Islanders who had enlisted in the Seventy-first regiment, had gone South. A number enlisted in the Sixty-ninth, Seventy-third and other regiments then organizing. It is generally believed that the first volunteer from Staten Island was "Jerry" REARDON, who, notwithstanding his advanced age, is still in the service of the Rapid Transit Ferry Company, in the capacity of policeman.

Throughout the month of April the work of organizing the Seventy-third Regiment was carried out on the Island. It was commanded by Colonel Minthorne TOMPKINS. An independent company was organized at Stapleton, known as the Middletown Guard, which was commanded by Captain STAHL.

A mass meeting was held on the old Quarantine grounds at Tompkinsville, on Saturday, April 27, to take prompt action in raising volunteers. Addresses were delivered by Lot C. CLARK and Henry J. RAYMOND.

WILSON'S Zouaves and other organizations were encamped on the Quarantine grounds at Tompkinsville at the time. "They were marched out and drawn up in line at this meeting," said a former writer, "and much of the speaking was addressed to them."

Staten Island soon became a rendezvous for imperfect regiments, which remained here until their quotas were filled and they were ready to be mustered into the Federal service. The novelty caused at first by this state of affairs had now worn away, and everybody was looking the stern realities of war squarely in the face.

The subscriptions, in the Town of Castleton alone, up to the end of November 1861, for the families of soldiers at the front, amounted to $3,250. The number of men who had enlisted from the town was one hundred and twenty-eight. Sixty-four families were cared for.

The County Court House, at Richmond, was the scene of a memorable event on the 13th day of November. Citizens assembled to arrange for their neighbors who were on the tented field. A committee was appointed to obtain blankets, mittens, stockings and various other useful articles.

A meeting was held in DEMPSY'S Hall, Factoryville, on September 2, with a view to organizing a company, at which fifty young men signed the roll. Forty-two recruits belonging to Colonel TOMPKINS' regiment left Port Richmond on the 23d of the month, to join the command at Poolsville, Maryland. The following is the list:

Peter PERO, Lewis D. JOHNSON, John E. JOHNSON, Joseph B. JOHNSON, John J. SIMONSON, James H. MUNSON, Daniel MALLETT, Eugene DALY, Henry D. SPONG, Alexander FITZSIMONS, Edward M. SHARROTT, Jeremiah LEARY, Charles STEERS, Thomas J. CUSHING, George F. BURBANK, James H. SIMONSON, Jacob T. SELZER, Cornelius DEGRAFF, William D. MASKELL, Charles H. KING, William ECCLES, Joseph K. PLANT, Henry SHARP, Joseph B. BARNES, Joseph L. THOMPSON, James POST, Isaac LOCKMAN, James B. BURBANK, Simon V. N. DECKER, C. P. B. SLAIGHT Jr., Henry MERSEREAU, Cornelius MARTINEAU, Jacob LOCKMAN, Albert MASON, Mathius B. STEWART, James B. HALLIDAY, Albion NOBLE, John REYNOLDS, Abraham TURNER, Francis M. TARSNEY, William H. FULLAGAR, Arther HAUGHIAN, George CONNER, Thomas CONNER, Joseph SIMONSON, Henry T. PAULSON, Henry DECKER, Manuel WARRENDER, John W. TYNAN, James SIMONSON, Thomas FLANNELLY, Frigero GASSQ, and John R. GREEN.

The Governor issued an order relative to raising another quota of men and the Supervisors met in July to take action. The recruiting sections were made up of Senatorial districts. The following members of the committee were appointed for Richmond County: Colonel Nathan BARRETT, Captain Richard CHRISTOPHER, William H. VANDERBILT, John BECHTEL, William CORRY, Henry N. NORRIS and Edward BANKER.

During July, a number of Staten Islanders enlisted in the Seventy-ninth Regiment, familiarly known as the "Highlanders." A mass meeting was held at Port Richmond on August 11. Seven hundred and eighty-four men were required of Staten Island. An eloquent address was delivered by the Hon. Erastus BROOKS, after which a bounty of fifty dollars each was offered to volunteers. Enlistment's and subscriptions flowed in. Other meetings were held throughout the Island.

 Mass meetings were also held in the various towns in August for the purpose of encouraging enlistment and raising subscriptions to pay a bounty of fifty dollars to volunteers and to furnish aid for their families. There was one at Elm Park on the 16th, at which two thousand persons were present. The Supervisors were called upon to raise by taxation ten thousand dollars.

In New Brighton a similar meeting was held on the 18th, at which over three thousand dollars was subscribed. Another meeting of the people of Castleton was held on the 21st, at Factoryville.

The relief fund had already dispensed above five thousand dollars, and at this time had more than one hundred families dependent upon it. The citizens of Middletown held a meeting on the 20th, at which the Supervisors were called upon to appropriate twenty-thousand dollars.

The people of Westfield adopted a resolution to raise a company of seventy-five men. The Supervisors met on the 27th, and decided to issue bonds to the amount of twenty-thousand dollars, the proceeds of which should be used for the payment of extra bounties and relief for the families of volunteers.

A new company, mostly from Castleton, was formed with Louis SCHAFFNER as captain; Orville D. JEWETT, first lieutenant and Clarence T. BARRETT, second lieutenant. Recruiting stations were established at DEMPSEY'S Hotel, Factoryville, and at John JEWETT & Sons' white lead works in Port Richmond. An extra bounty of fifty dollars each was paid to volunteers. The company's barracks were erected at the corner of Broadway and Church street, in Port Richmond.

On August 30, a county mass meeting was held at Clifton park. Addresses were delivered by Judge Henry B. METCALFE, who presided, George William CURTIS, General BUSTEED, Hon. Erastus BROOKS, and others.

The war committee of this senatorial district met at Jamaica, on Thursday the 4th of September 1862, to aid in the organization of a regiment of volunteers, and to equalize the quotas of the several counties of the district and apportion any deficiencies in the counties among the town that compassed them. In this committee Richmond County was represented by Hon. SMITH ELY, William CORRY, Nathan BARRETT, William H. VANDERBILT, and Henry Lee NORRIS. It was resolved to recognize Colonel TOMPKINS' regiment. Recruiting stations were established in various parts of the Island.

SPINOLA's Brigade was being organized at East New York, and in September, a number of Staten Islanders enlisted in it. By the middle of the month fears of the draft subsided, as the quotas were nearly full.

The material of the Island had become greatly exhausted by the latter part of October, and Colonel TOMPKINS' regiment filled up very slowly. It was then that Inspector - General VAN VECHTEN gave the order for three of its companies to be transferred to the One Hundred and Fifty-sixth Regiment, from Ulster County, then encamped in New York. Accordingly, on the 13th and 14th of November, the companies commanded by Captains SCHAFFNER, SHELTON and VAUGHN were transferred.

This gave rise to great dissatisfaction, and much excitement prevailed, amounting almost to a riot. In the midst of the tumult one man was stabbed in the back with a bayonet. The remaining Island company of Colonel TOMPKINS' regiment became disordered and took to the woods and hills, leaving the camp at Factoryville almost deserted, being occupied by only about forty officers and men. While in this condition, on Monday morning the 17th the barracks took fire and were nearly destroyed. The Richmond County regiment, containing six hundred and fifty men, was broken up. The remaining companies were transferred to the One Hundred and Fifty-seventh. Of these, two companies, under command of Captains Mark COX and Colonel TOMPKINS was offered a position as lieutenant-colonel in the One Hundred and Fifty-eight, but declined.

The prospect of a draft again began to agitate the people. Finally the day was appointed for the drawing to take place, and Judge Henry B. METCALFE was appointed commissioner for superintending it, and Mr. William G. EADIE, or Port Richmond, examining surgeon. These officials sat daily at the Surrogate's office, in Richmond, from October 22 until the day before the draft was to take place, to hear any claims of persons liable to military duty for exemption. Especial efforts prevented the necessity of a draft. The following report was shown at the meeting of the Senatorial district committee, held at Jamaica, on the 6th of November.



The following is the list of men recruited by First Lieutenant Charles G. SMITH of Company B, One Hundred and Thirty-second Regiment: From Southfield: William CHURCH, Edward HENKLE, Bryan CARNEY, Edward JASPART, Peter SCHMIDT. Middletown: Casper ELMER, William ELMER, James FOLEY, Patrick GORMAN, Smith W. HIGGINS, Robert HOUSTON, William L. LUDLUM, George LAMBERT, Conrad LIEBACKER, Edward B. MURRAY, Thomas MCKEE, Charles OCKHERT, Bernard SCHMIDT, Theodore SIMONSON, Frederick W. TAXTER, Addison WHITE, John WILLIAMS.

The following were recruited at Port Richmond, by First Lieutenant David STOTHERS, afterward captain of Company K, of the same regiment: Northfield: Charles H. JONES, Jacob V. P. LONG, Cornelius JONES, sergeants; Charles J. ELMS, Freeman W. JONES, corporals; Charles APPLEBEE, William G. E. DECKER, John R. PATTERSON, Joseph EMERY, William DURRUA, George W. SMITH, James W. HOUSMAN, John H. LEONARD. Castleton: James MAHONEY, David MCCONNELL, George TURNER. Southfield: Gilbert H. RANDOLPH.

The above were discharged at the disbandment of the regiment. The following were discharged previously:

Hiram C. DECKER, John A. TAYLOR, Hyacinth BURKE, Michael VALLIERE, Andrew P. VAN PELT, John B. CORSON, and Garrett E. VAN PELT, of Northfield; William C. DUNN, of Southfield, and Joseph H. CAINE, of Castleton, for disability; Richard C. JOHNSON, Nicholas CUBBERLY, Vreeland JOHNSON, Bedell JONES, John BRINLEY, and Peter S. BRINLEY, of Northfield. Transferred to the navy; Henry VALLIERE, of Northfield, to be hospital steward; Henry B. TIBBETTS, of Northfield, to United States Signal corps; Charles E. SMITH, of Castleton, to the Ninety-ninth Regiment, New York Volunteers; Jacob BOWMAN, of Northfield, killed at Bachelor's Creek, North Carolina; Edward V. FORD, sergeant of Northfield; Benjamin B. KINSEY, sergeant, of Northfield; Abram B. HOUSMAN, of Castleton; George DAVIS, of Northfield, James WILSON, of Castleton, and Aaron BEATTY, died in Andersonville prison; Jacob R. DECKER and William W. STILLWELL, of Northfield; Isaac B. LEWIS and James G. WOGLOM, of Westfield; died of disease contracted in service and James SHAUNESSY, deserted.

Company B. of Colonel TOMPKINS' regiment became Company K of the One Hundred and Fifty-sixth. Captain Shelton resigned at Long Island. After that the officers were, Captain James J. HOYT, of Castleton; First Lieutenant Magnus BOUSCHER, and Second Lieutenant Edward OPENSHAW, of New Brighton. The two former served through the war, but the latter resigned in June, 1864. First Sergeant Charles WEBSTER, of Middletown, was promoted to captain and remained, being later a captain in the regular army. William SEATON, sergeant, of Castleton, was promoted to rank of captain. John J. FARRELL, of Castleton, sergeant, returned from the confederate prison at the close of the war, having been captured at Cedar Creek. John PETERSON, private, became first sergeant; Isaac FULLAGER, corporal, and Evan RILEY, of Castleton, served through the war; Michael COTTER, of Castleton, was discharged; William GILL, of Castleton, and Cornelius SULLIVAN, drummer, served through the war.

The supervisors authorized an additional loan of twenty-thousand dollars, in January 1863, for the payment of bounties and relief. One hundred and twenty-two recruits had enlisted. Eighty-eight recruits in Northfield and received fifty dollars each, and ten dollars each was paid for recruiting them. Westfield spent five thousand one hundred and forty dollars for the same purpose.

Richmond County's quota in the call of 1863 was for four hundred men. Those appointed to make the enrollment under the conscription act of that year were: For Castleton, Edward Jones; Middletown, John J. CLUTE; Northfield, Simon HAUGHWOUT, and Southfield, John JACOBSON.

A writer of the time said: "The celebrated draft riots of July, 1863, filled the Island with horrors. The public mind was in a state of high fermentation. Riot was in the air, and it would seem that men hardly knew what they did. For two years the public mind here had been almost constantly wrought up to fever heat, and now the prospect of a draft being made to fill the quota of four hundred men in this county, under the recent call, but few of whom were already enlisted, made a strain upon the public nerve which it was in a poor condition to bear with tranquility. For a moment the steady arm of patriotism seemed to falter, weakened as it had been by the drain upon it, caused by the withdrawal of hundreds from the community to the field of war.

"Sober counsels wavered, and the influence of men of means was weak, because of the obnoxious clause in the conscription act, which promised exemption to all drafter men who should pay three hundred dollars. In this weak moment the baser elements of society gathered strength, and disorder attempted to block the wheels of organized government."

In this critical moment the innocent colored population were among the first to receive the demoniacal thrusts of unchained hatred, and from day to day there were serious depredations committed on both the North and East shores.

A mass meeting was held at Clifton on Wednesday, July 15, 1863, and was in charge of Messrs. William SHAW, Dwight TOWNSEND and Mr. FELLOWS. It was largely attended by laboring men from the fortifications. The public mind was greatly excited. The Rev. Father LEWIS of St. Mary's Roman Catholic church, addressed the meeting with conciliatory language, earnestly pleading with his audience to respect the law, while he assured them that no unjust demands would be made. Dwight TOWNSEND, Robert CHRISTIE, Jr., and Mr. HULL also made addresses, after which resolutions were adopted, calling upon the Governor to, without delay, have the constitutionality of this Conscription Act tested before our State Courts.

Handbills were immediately issued by the officials of the town of Southfield, announcing that "the draft had been stopped," and this timely and thoughtful action probably averted another riot.

A serious affray occurred at Vanderbilt landing on the 20th. In the early evening, two or three soldiers were in a saloon, when one of them fired his musket at a boy. This encouraged some others who were present to such an extent, that they set upon the soldiers and beat them so badly as to leave them for dead. A train of cars came up just then, having on board a company of soldiers, who came out and commenced firing upon the crowd. They no doubt took the crowd to be a mob gathering and determined to scatter it. In doing so, their shot took effect in the body of Charles MURPHY, with such force that he died shortly after. After ten men were arrested by the soldiers and taken to camp. One or both of the soldiers who began the disturbance, died within a few days.

The Courts were subsequently kept busy settling the various suits for damages sustained by the rioters. Total amount of damages awarded, $17,207.99. Added to this was an outlay of about ten thousand dollars incurred in contesting these claims.

The Supervisors authorized the County Treasurer to raise fifty-thousand dollars, by the issue of county bonds, "to be appropriated as might be necessary in providing for those who might be drafted and were not able to pay the exemption fee of three hundred dollars, under the Conscription Act which it was expected, would be enforced in the First Senatorial district."

On the 30th of August the draft took place at Jamaica. Richmond County's enrollment numbered 2,205 and was distributed among the towns thus: Castleton, 559; Southfield, 463; Northfield, 444; Westfield, 438; Middletown, 301. From this number five hundred and ninety-four were to be drawn, which included fifty per cent, to make up for deficiency which might result from exemption.

This draft, so far as gaining men for the service was concerned, amounted to very little. A majority took advantage of the three hundred dollar clause. The five hundred and ninety-four men, called for in the quota, were accounted for as follows: Seventy-four were aliens; ten furnished substitutes; ninety-four were exempt for physical disability; one hundred and three were exempt for other causes; one hundred and sixty-two commuted, and one hundred and fifty failed to report.

President LINCOLN issue another call for troops in October 1863, which was to be filled by January 5, 1864. The quota for Richmond County was as follows: Castleton, seventy-seven; Southfield, sixty-five; Northfield, sixty-two; Westfield, sixty-two; Middletown, forty-two. The Supervisors called a mass meeting at the County Court House on December 19, "to give popular expression to the means to be adopted to meet the call." Resolutions were adopted, appealing to the Supervisors to "raise on hundred and twenty-thousand dollars, or as much of that sum as might be necessary, and to pay each volunteer, drafted man or substitute, counting in the quota, four hundred dollars, and to open a recruiting office in each town and to appoint suitable persons to attend to the same." The quota was filled early in March.

In March, 1864, came another call for troops. The Supervisors met on the 18th, and decided to "contract with some responsible party to fill the quota of one hundred men which belonged to this county to furnish." The Board published, on the following day, an advertisement, inviting parties wishing to contract for filling the quota, to present themselves with their sureties at the meeting appointed for the 22d instant. The authorities ordered a draft on April 15, unless the quota was filled by that time. The Supervisors had already offered a bounty of three hundred and fifty dollars each for recruits--"two hundred dollars of which was to be paid to the recruit and one hundred and fifty dollars to the party who should procure him." The month of April witnessed the completion of this task. In May, a new enrollment of persons liable to do military duty was ordered, and the work was commenced on the first of June. The President called for five hundred thousand men in July. Another mass meeting was held in Clifton Park on the 26th, when resolutions were adopted "placing the entire business of raising money and filling the quota in the hands of the Supervisors, and calling upon them to exercise those duties."

The committee, which had been appointed to solicit subscriptions to a loan, reported to the Supervisors on August 8, that they had secured seventy-five thousand dollars. The quota for the county, under this call, was: Middletown, 128; Southfield, 70; Westfield, 77; Castleton, 154; Northfield, 119; total 543. On the 22d of August, the Supervisors established a recruiting office at Nautilus Hall, Tompkinsville, and offered "$200 for each recruit, and $200 additional to the agent or broker procuring him, or $400 to every man liable to draft who should secure a substitute to be credited to the county. For $600 deposited with the Supervisors, by any citizen liable to draft, before September 5, they would undertake to procure a substitute for him, such substitutes to be supplied in the order in which applications and deposits were made."

One great drawback was that the prices mentioned were insufficient to procure the needed recruits, and so an advance was made until seven hundred dollars a man was paid. Later in September the quota was still one hundred and eighty short, and there was no ready money in the county treasury to meet the emergency. In this extremity the Supervisors exchanged county bonds for recruits, and the quota was filled, though a form of drafting was commenced on the 3d of October.

A memorable scene was witnessed at the County Court House on January 6, 1865, when a mass meeting was called "to provide for raising the quota under the call of December 19." The people had assembled so often under like circumstances, that the strain had become almost unbearable.

The Supervisors, however, were instructed to fill the quota, and raise the money necessary to the credit of the county, also to raise two hundred men. A draft finally took place on February 25, at which four hundred and forty-six names were drawn. The Supervisors had previously offered bounties of three hundred dollars for one year's men, four hundred dollars for two years' men, six hundred dollars for three years' men, and one hundred additional "hand money" to the person presenting the recruit.

The war was a costly incident to Staten Island. The various sums authorized to be raised on bonds of the county for the purposes of the war were as follows:

August 22, 1862, for relief of volunteer families $20,000.00
December 16, 1862 for relief of volunteer families $20,000.00
August 25, 1863 for relief of drafted men families $50,000.00
September 9, 1863 for relief of drafted men families $25,000.00
December 29, 1863, to obtain volunteers $125,000.00
February 3, 1864 to obtain volunteers $180,000.00
July 28, 1864, bounties for volunteers $250,000.00
January 28, 1865, for filling the quota $75,000.00
February 16, 1865, for filling the quota $75,000.00
February 25, 1865, for filling the quota $75,000.00

Total: $895,000.00

Forty-five regiments of infantry and two of cavalry, besides notable contingents of other organizations were located here during the war. In the Empire Brigade there were two whole companies of Staten Islanders; Sickles' Excelsior Brigade had quite a number; Corcoran's Irish Legion had a good representation; so also with the Eighty-second, the One Hundred and Thirty-third, the One Hundred and Fifty-sixth, the One Hundred and Seventy-fifth, Serrell's Engineers, the Seventy-ninth, the First Mounted Rifles, the Fourth Heavy Artillery, the Fifth, Sixth, Ninth and Fifty-third Zouaves, the Fifth and Sixth Calvary and a score of other organizations. Fully a thousand men volunteered from Staten Island. It is estimated that of this number about one hundred and eighty were killed in battle or died of disease in hospital or prison.

Besides Colonel ELLIOTT and Major HAGADORN, the Seventy-ninth Regiment had in one company the following Staten Islanders; John W. MORSE, Herman C BUECKE, Walter N. BROWN, Theodore HALL, George H. MCCREADY, William WHITE, J. J. THAXTER, A. MIRANDA, Rheinhart SNYDER, Richard WALL, James BANKER, Edward BANKER, John COWHIG, David WILTON, Benjamin WILTON, Daniel BEATTY, William B LUSH, William SIMONSON, Edward BARKER, James BREEN, Edward BRICE, Michael KIRKMAN, Robert KELLY, Patrick CARLIN, Bernard SCANLON, Thomas MCADAMS, George HOWARTH, David HOWARTH, Eugene BURKE, John JOHNSON, James COLGAN, William ROSS, John RACY, John BREEN, David SANDS, Peter TUSHINGHAM, William SMITH, J. SMITH, Richard BARRETT, Charles WILHELM, Charles PIRATYKI and Philip DALY.

Transcribed by Lynn

The old Quarantine grounds were among the first scenes of encampment of the volunteers. Camp Washington occupied these and a considerable portion outside. Barracks were erected, the occupants of which were WILSON's Zouaves, they being there in Mary and June 1861; Serrell's Engineers, August and September; Gates' Rifles, August; The Empire Zouaves, August; The German Rangers, September; Siegel Rifles, September, all in 1861; Swain's Cavalry, March, Colonel TOMPKINS' regiment, September (whence it was moved to barracks erected for it on land of Colonel Nathan BARRETT, at Factoryville); Second Duryea's Zouaves, October, 1862. Inside the grounds were Allen's Volunteers, May; Colonel BARTLETT's Naval Brigade, May; Third Irish Volunteers, August; Union Rifles, September, all 1861; Scott's Nine Hundred (Eleventh Calvary), March; Eighty-first, March; First National (Monitors), August and September, all 1862. Near the Quarantine grounds was also located Camp Arthur, having been established in June, 1861 and occupied by the British Volunteers and MCCLELLAN Rifles in August, and the Lancers in September of the same year.

Camp Scott was located at Old Town, on the Dr. Smith farm, and was occupied by the Corcoran Legion. Camp Vanderbilt was at New Dorp, and was the home of the Washington Zouaves in September, 1861. Camp Yates was also at New Dorp. It was occupied by the Seventh Regiment and Thirty-second Cavalry in May, 1861. Camp Lafayette was also at New Dorp, and was occupied by the Garde Lafayette (Fifty-fifth), in August and September, 1861, and by the Warren Rifles in March, 1862.

Camp Leslie was at Clifton Park, and the Clinton Guard, commanded by Colonel Cone, was stationed there in August, 1861, and the D’Epeneuil Zouaves (Fifty-third) in September of the same year. Camp McClellan was at Factoryville, on the Burger estate, between Richmond terrace and Castleton avenue. The McClellan Rifles were here from September to November, 1861. Camp Herndon was at Stapleton flats, and was occupied by the Ira Harris Cavalry in August and September, 1861. Camp Low was at Elm Park. The Morgan Artillery remained there for several weeks, leaving in November, 1861. Camp Morrison was on the Ward estate at the base of Pavilion Hill, and was occupied by the Cameron Light Infantry, in August, 1861.

Camp Ward was located at Port Richmond, and was the abiding place of Colonel Doubleday’s Fourth New York Heavy Artillery. The Fourth remained in Port Richmond from November, 1861, to February 10, 1862. Camp Decker, also near Port Richmond, was occupied by the Second Fire Zouaves in August, 1861. The Second Artillery encamped at Tompkinsville in December, 1861, and the Seventy-first in March, 1862.

Camp Sprague, at New Dorp, was occupied by the Thirteenth Brooklyn, in September, 1861; the Stanton Legion, July to September, 1862; the One Hundred and Sixty-ninth in October, 1863; and the One Hundred and Fifty-ninth in November, 1862. A number of skeleton organizations were brought together at this camp and consolidated, in June, 1863. Among these were remnants of Colonel Tompkins’ regiment, the Horatio Seymour Light Infantry, the Defenders, Davis’ Cavalry, the Blair Rifles, the Burnside Rifles, the Pratt Guard, and the Westchester Light Infantry.

General George B. McClellan attended a review of the troops at Camp Sprague, on September 8, 1863. The post contained about three thousand men at the time. About eight thousand spectators were present. General McClellan having taken his position as reviewing officer, the troops marched before him, the following regiments being in line: Eleventh New York, the Thirty-first Durvea’s Zouaves, Thiryt-fourth, Ninth, Twelfth Cavalry, Coning’s Eighteenth Light Cavalry, Twenty-first Cavalry, (dismounted), Seventeenth, Thirteenth, and a few other organizations. After the column had passed, the General delivered an address.

A riot occurred among the soldiers at Camp Sprague on the night of the 4th of November, 1863, when the barracks were set on fire. Notwithstanding the vigilance displayed, on the following night flames again appeared at about the same hour, and before assistance could reach the scene everything was destroyed. A plot was discovered, a few days later, to also burn the hospital, notwithstanding it contained a number of sick soldiers.

The following list of Staten Islanders served in Company I, One Hundred and Fifty-sixth New York Volunteers: Orville D. Jewett, of Castleton, first lieutenant; captain; resigned 1863. Clarence T. Barrett, second lieutenant; first lieutenant; adjutant; captain and aide-de-camp, United States Army; brevetted major. Charles W. Kennedy, first sergeant; second lieutenant; first lieutenant; captain; brigade commissary, and acting assistant adjutant-general. Edward Steers, sergeant; first lieutenant; served until the end of war. William Cortelyou, Southfield, sergeant; second lieutenant; wounded at Cedar Creek; served until the end of war.

Bennett H. Buel, Castleton, sergeant, served until end of war. George G. Cadmus, Northfield, discharged for disability. Charles T. Pine, Castleton, corporal, discharged to accept commission as first lieutenant on Corps d’ Afrique. George Mersereau, Castleton, corporal, served to end of war. Edward haggerty, Northfield, killed before Port Hudson. Nathan M. Barrett, Castleton, corporal color-guard, served to end of war. William C. Simonson, Southfield, corporal, seargeant, served to end of war. Oscar Guyon, Southfield, corporal, sergeant, served to end of war. Albert P. Heal, Castleton, corporal, served to end of war. John Vanderbilt, Castleton, corporal, discharged to accept appointment as master-of-arms, United States Navy. Thomas Steers, Castleton, corporal, discharged to accept commission as assistant engineer, United States Navy. John G. Bott, Castleton, private, served to the end of war. Robert Bell, Southfield, private, died in service. William Bamber, Castleton, private, corporal, served to end of war. Henry V. Buel, Northfield, private, died in service. Edmund Blake, Castleton, private, wounded at Winchester, served to end of war and died. James Brogan, Castleton, private, served to end of war. Nathan T. Barrett, Castleton, private, sergeant-major, second lieutenant, served to end of war.

Abiel H. Burbank, Southfield, private, died in service. Ebenezer Chichester, Castleton, private, served to end of war. Daniel Collins, Castleton, private, served to end of war. DeWitt C. Conner, Southfield, private, killed at Fort Bisland. Edward Clary, Castleton, private, wounded at Cedar Creek, served to end of war. Patrick Colbert, Castleton, private, served to end of war. Thomas F. Donnelly, Castleton, private, sergeant, served to end of war. Richard Dawlin, Castleton, private, wounded at Fisher’s Hill, discharged. Albert G. Dunton, Castleton, private, discharged for disability. Daniel Elms, Northfield, private, served to end of war. Jacob G. Guyon, Southfield, private, corporal, discharged for disability. Nelso Gilby, Southfield, private, served to end of war.

Joseph Jacobs, Castleton, private, served to end of war. Bernard Jacobs, Castleton, private, drum-major, served to end of war. Albert Jones, Castleton, private, died in service. James H. Hood, Castleton, private, served to end of war. Ira McVeigh, Castleton, private, wounded at Cedar Creek, discharged. Reuben S. Miller, Castleton, private, served to end of war. Philip J. Miller, Southfield, private, corporal, served to the end of war. Mark Mallett, Castleton, private, taken prisoner at Cedar Creek, discharged. John Prosi, Castleton, private, served to end of war. Edward N. Pomeroy, Castleton, private, discharged to receive commission. Augustus W. Sexton, Jr., Castleton, private, discharged to receive commission.

William B. Smith, Castleton, private, served to end of war. James Watson, Castleton, private, taken prisoner at Cedar Creek, died from exposure. Robert Stewart, Castleton, private, served to end of war. George Wackerhagen, Castleton, private, discharged to receive appointment as hospital steward, United States Army. Thomas Wright, Castleton, private, wounded at Montesino Bayou, served to end of war.

The following is a list of names of recruits credited to Richmond County, under the call of February 1, 1864:

John McMahon, Richard Scott, John Smith, John Campbell, John R. Biskert, John O’Rourke, William Wall, William H. Johnson, Frank Wilson, George R. Ranson, John W. Webb, Hugh Daly, James Gogle, Hiram Watkins, Charles Frazer, Michael Evans, William A. Gordon, Martin Roberts, William Taylor, Joseph Snedeker, Robert Jones, Briclon Guielon, John W. Idell, William H. Walter, James Fagan, Charles Loveless, Charles hedges, George Thomson, William H. Craney, Isaac Lake, John Aiken, Jacob Ensler, John Robinson, Emil Specker, James McGill, Michael Farrell, George Jose, William Orchard, John Howard, Henry Brister, James Logan, Andrew Allen, Frederick Collins, Isaac Leonard, John Campbell, James Conroy, John Finnigan, John Lynch, John Malony, Joseph Baker, Bernard Bayley, William A. Seeley, George H. Holbrook, Hugh McNunghton, Ralfe Wolfe, Nicholas Ryall, James Cleveland, Napoleon B. Seeley, Nicholas Gregier, James McNally, Thomas Burrows.

Frank L. Noyes, Albert C. Clark, Rodman C. Ridont, Osborn C. Montgomery, John Wilson, Benjamin Branon, Peter Brady, John O’Connor, Robert Kennedy, Peter Kelrave, John Crawford, James Gavin, James Dillon, John E. Nywan, Mark Blake, Frederick Buland, James T. Smith, William Van Zandt, Patrick Keenan, John H. Price, John Williams, Joseph Montel, Lawrence Develin, John Hill, Patrick Hannon, George Brown, Charles Moore, Henry Clement, Arten Tappen, Daniel Daly, John Fox, William H. Crane, James Wind, John O’Brien, David King, Edward Keegen, Albert Johns, Thomas Jenkins, Edward Lockett, John McGears, William Hoegele, Oliver H. Daniel, Joseph Farley, Leonard Delgar, William Smith, George H. Jones, John Pately, Charles Dixon, William Hammond, Patrick Conway, Michael Malony, Michael McGlynn, Lewis J. Jenks, Michael Ring, Denis C. Shulz, John Lynch, Stephen Wiley, Robert Arnold, James Perry, Augustus Haas, Joseph Fingleir, Frank Kessner, Joseph Mason.

Moses Strauss, Charles Steincanss, Lewis Lamgert, John F. Butler, Christopher Armstrong, William Cramer, Charles Veime, Michael Joyce, William H. Wilson, John Smith, James Stewart, James Ford, Charles Gebhard, Octave Adams, Thomas Butler, Edward Treadwell, John Geary, John Healey, Henry Emille, John A. Smith, James Williams, Otto Brockenhaussen, Robert Tait, Patrick Curren, john Willolan, Francis Baine, John Kigorn, James Ferguson, Aaron Steinberg, N. W. Kenyon, Simon Thornton, William V. McGrath, Albert H. Brown, Walter H. Hyde, Simon J. Glass, Sebastian Glamb, John Dohorty, August Mier, Jans McGregan, William Neabel, James M. Smith, Peter Smith, William Gund, Nelson Bancroft, John Brown, Thomas Little, Patrick J. Boyle, Charles Waller, James Mullen, Thomas Flynn, George Thomas, William Leonard, Edmund Gammuny, Thomas Meacham, John Thomas, John Gregory, Bernard Brady, Henry Custanco, Emanuel Miller, John Donovan, John Francis, Chris. Fitzgerald, Charles Butler, John B. Grant, Belford Thomson.

James McCollok, John Winn, Justus Brooks, Allanson B. Fuller, Lysander Hammond, Fidelo Biddle, Samuel C. Williams, Daniel Blanchard, Franklin Pea, William H. Jennings, Arthur Bebee, Simon Shaffer, Adam Courtwright, Ezra Press, Milford E. Matthews, Michael Carey, Charles Davis, Henry E. Chamberlain, James W. Putnam, Oscar Gurtin, Lawrence W. Graters, Isaac B. Varian, Henry V. Leach, Michael Corcoran, Alfred Hammond, Patrick Hogan, George E. Bush, Lewis J. Utter, Robert Kolinska, Francis Fogan, John Ganch, Stephen D. Lawrence, Enoch R. Streeber, George Smally, James Cornelison, Jacob Brown, Daniel P. Weller, John W. Lewis, Samuel E. Blanchard, Fred. Newark, John R. Sage, Benjamin F. Road, DeWitt C. Streeter, George Wallis, John Smith, William W. Ladon, Charles Johnston, Russell Sisson, Oliver E. Wilcox, and Daniel Leonard.

The following are the names of the recruits credited to Richmond County, under the call of March 14, 1864:

James Horton, John Powers, Andrew Wengel, John H. Newall, Oscar F. Bradley, Lewis Kellogg, Abel Palmer, John Squires, Emery Schenck, Zaren M. Carey, John Dempsey, John O’Brien, Ensan Bryan, Edwin Lambertson, Charles M. Hill, Justus A. Cooke, Alexander Murray, Silas F. Cables, George Allen, Thomas Gillan, George Wheeler, Wed’r Messino, Patrick Furman, Michael Kelly, Isaac Corby, Thomas Duffy, John A. Bergen, Joseph McGinness, John Williams, Washington L. Bell, Bennis Fitzgerald, Thomas Buckley, Peter Williams, Patrick Jennings, John Foster, Thomas Brady, Charles Brown, Peter C. Harris, William Plummer, Martin Mead, Joseph Frank, James H. Johnson, Demetia Cowles, William L. Walker, John Van Duzer, Charles L. McBride, Louis Williams, John Wilson, Michael Sullivan, Eli Smith, Michael O’Keefe, Richard Golden.

John Hammen, John McGreary, John Quigley, Thomas Wild, David Johnson, Thomas Cooper, William McKay, George Lander, William Harris, John Welsh, George H. DuBurgh, Jacob Brackson, John Smith, Owen Harris, Joseph Ferdinand, Lewis P. Worth, Lawrence Fling, Charles Smith, George W. Mills, Michael Corcoran, Peter Wager, Martin Hamley, Alexander Koat, Patrick Cain, John Hanlon, James Finley, Alfred Sammothe, Edward Listen, Frederick Pillerick, Oliver H. King, Joseph Clark, Alfred Derrickson, James Bane, William Smith (colored), Lawrence Seawell, Joseph Young, Daniel Callihan, Louis Harrick, Charles Smith, George Foster, Henry Wilson, John Mallory, Henry Sifke, William H. Entzmenger, Michael Kelley, Clarence Worden, Arthur Carson, George W. Perkins, John Donnelly, Carl Herman, Jacob Truck, James McCormack, James Gondy, P. P. Collins, Charles Cornell (colored), Alexander Ringler, Thomas Tobin, Robert Tappan (colored), Alexander Villoroy, John Dorton, James Campon, William Miller, W. H. Shipman, George Winton.

William Wills, Dennis Eagan, John Merrill, George C. March, James Matherson, John Watson, Delevan Lee, James Winn, Gustav Hart, William J. Sprall, James Howard, George W. Joyner, Isaac Hildreth, William Parish, S. G. H. Musgrave, Adelbert Shan, Thomas O’Brien, Martin Reynolds, A. B. Sharrott, James Mullen, Vincent Decker, Henry Rathgen, Thomas DePew, David Quinn, Thomas Sharrett, John T. Brown, Henry E. Decker, Louis McVickers, Joseph Thompson, Reuben F. Harris, W. H. Holcomb, George Brucher, Joseph Beule, Michael Flynn, Michael Dolphin, Henry Smith, John Hathway, Timothy Hanley, Joseph Wagner, Sidney Blatsch, John Schmallinger, Charles Anderson, Michael Riley, Armide Clarville, Charles Hunter, Timothy O’Donohue, Peter Richmyer, James Jackson (colored), Henry Nole, James O’Donnell, Henry Ostello.

Nathan King, Orville D. Wilson, Frederick Touschill, Moses Stein, Post J. higgans, Louis Myers, Edward Murray, John Reisser, M. L. Templeman, Thomas Christy, Fritz Reimer, Edward Davidson, Benjamin Christie, John Fitzpatrick, William Wright, Samuel Johnson, William Halle, Herbert Nansse, Henry Sanders, W. J. McWilliams, Aaron P. Fischer, Lewis Heist, Leon Gardner, W. S. Sanbourn, John Jackson, James Smith, Edward Munroe, John Williams, Robert Hattens, George Kaleisch, James Gallagher, John Brick, Charles Huss, John Burke, John Hastings, Charles Crocker, Stephen Whearty, Joseph Underhill, Thomas Doran.

The following recruits were credited to Richmond County, under the call of July 18, 1864:

John Kennedy, John Cronan, E. H. Jimmerson, Sullivan Lockwood, Wolfgang Heintz, John Thorlnay, James H. Anderson, Walter Gamble, Lawrence Kennedy, George Smith, Frederick Miller, James Wilkinson, Robert Clinton, Julius VanBraner, Levi Hoag, William Duffy, George Birch, Richard Williams, James Robinson, Charles Robb, John Roll, Richard Franey, Benjamin Weness, August Wittengel, Henry F. Nunnemaker, Frederick Goodyear, David Collins, George Hart, John Croake, James Miller, Olaf Carlsen, Patrick Kane, Olaf Errickson, Peter Nodine, John Anderson, Henry Woods, John Fox, William Griffin, Frank Tellyson, Antonio Dears, Peter Brady, William D. Haley, William McGilvey, Charles Smith, Jacob Geisser.

John Walsh, Thomas Callahan, William A. Dull, Louis Baptiste, Levi Smith, Robert Smith, George Wood, Frederick Rutty, John Meagher, Frederick Drick, John Williamson, Franz Einzel, William Howes, William Quinn, Ernest Herbert John Donnelly, John Sullivan, John Campbell, Thomas Bowers, Ernest Cramer, Edward Gardst, Robert Rugherford, Matthew Baker, Daniel Geary, Peter Wall, Alexander Hill, William Hanley, Richard Potter, Owen King, Henry Smith, John Atkins, James Collins, Daniel Quinn, James Smith, Charles S. Schantz, James McGourdon, Thomas Carr, Samuel Price, Adam Herman, Henry Balling, Allen Williams, John Love, Thomas Sharkey, Frank McKenna, Samuel McAdams, Joseph Hook, Joshua M. Mansfield, William Wilson, Charles Washburn, John Gardener, Daniel Hook, Michael Leonard, Philip Hickey, Frank Lerden, Lewis H. Avery, William S. Shimmers, Charles E. Ball, James Dolan, Isaac Ritter, Joseph Morse.

Thomas Branan, Daniel Britton, Abner S. Adkins, Ebenezer Piago, Charles Britton, John B. Bolton, Thomas Poole, William Pool, Charles Somers, James Curran, Luther Wright, William H. Orser, Charles Chambers, William Beardsill, James H. Smith, Richard R. McMenn, William Wright, Frank G. McGrath, William H. Wood, Reuben Henderson, Judson Ecker, Jefferson Harlon, E. Talbridge, Thomas Flannagan, Robert Carlton, Patrick Guyman, Miles S. Outwaters, James McCarley, Edward B. Pierce, Thomas Plunkett, Michael Madden, John C. Daley, Henry H. Hind, Garret Miller, John W. Rice, Owen Bullard, John R. Castor, Danford Bronell, Stephen Bull, Frederick Clemens, William H. Dull, Charles R. Raven, Charles Williams, Charles Donaldson, Gardener Filkins, George M. Millen, Ocsher Sheldon, Adelbert Cornell, Francis D. Greene, Daniel A. Jones, William Morrison, Philander Matheson, Edwin Potts.

Mitchel Putnam, George Y. Pomeroy, Elias Spicer, S. R. Seamans, Castilo Spicer, John J. Sheppard, Robert Waters, Henry C. Waterman, Richard Woodward, Ira G. Tonsley, George D. Davis, Joseph Eagan, William J. Smith, John Roach, Henry Housing, John Kelley, Cyrus Bradford, Eli H. Davis, John Nagle, Samuel Barker, George P. Patterson, John F. Brown, John Brennan, Christopher T. Moss, John Doherty, Charles Campbell, Thomas O’Donnell, August Bolte, Joseph Diamond, Patrick Dunn, George Read, William Brown, Patrick Crowley, Jacob Skedgee, Edward Kane, Eugene Schmith, John C. Anderson, Robert Howe, Frank Prosper, Henry Northenson, Louis Wildman, William Elliott, Francis Groppy, John Mills, William Dibblee, William Braison, Benjamin F. Headley, Patrick Hickey, Frank Willis, John McCoy, Thomas Flynn, Thomas Holmes, George Harris, Alfred W. Cook, Thomas Williams, Thomas Scomfield, Luke Japson, Alexander Vandergrift, John M. Smith, Charles Beauford, Christian Bender, Stephen Lovejoy, Charles Arnold, Jeremiah O’Brien, John Tydville.

Henry Tydville, John Mollilson, Joseph Romstock, William McGill, Andrew Maloney, Rudolph Ranner, Peter Palky, Charles W. Mickles, William Shetzakoff, Michael Kelly, Charles Cummings, Thomas Moore, George Smith, John Potter, Andrew Smith, John H. Linden, George McCloud, Charles Risch, John Quinn, William Rolle, Charles H. James, William Fanning, Albert Scott, Patrick Farley, Joseph Hull, Francis Fitch, John Spurrier, John Lee, Thomas Brussin, Frank Reiniff, Robert G. Wagener, Michael Foley, William Quiggs, Wolfe Marpe, Albert Skinner, Michael Devine, Charles Williams, Thomas Smith, Henry Alexander, Alexander M. Reid, William Bennett, Michael Barnes, Emil Rossearo, Charles Burns, Thomas McGuire, Robert Smith, James Clark, William H. Gildersleeve, Henry Gray, Francis Stintz, Charles Smith, John B. Stow, Francis McLaughlin, Henry Dorn, James King, John H. Geary, Jacob Myers, James H. Ross, James McIntosh, Robert Mitchell, John Clark, Michael Plunkett, John Lenz, John Breaston, Daniel Sweeny, Stephen A. Babcock, John Lee, Charles Beckham, John T. Oliver.

Patrick Dailey, Charles Elville, John Kelly, Patrick Rigney, James McCarson, Albert Pennington, Thomas West, John Kaven, Jacob Van Clief, Brazzilla Beattie, Thomas Dally, John Hogan, Henry Brown, Louis Donelson, Henry C. Nichols, John Welsh, Carl Schmidt, George Bohn, John Roth, John Riley, Patrick Brady, John H. Angel, John Bodesild, Jeremiah Crovley, Ludwig Bohn, Frederick Liabler, John Burville, John Kaver, George Somers, James McMahon, William Morgan, John Tague, Reuben Spencer, William Janes, Henry Voston, Patrick Fitzpatrick, John Hayes, Christian Seng, Peter Hooper, John McDonald, Patrick Loughley, Michael English, John Brown, Charles Johnson, William Field, William Letzible, John Zer, Albert Hopkins, Albert De Groot, John Dougherty, Patrick Dolan, Symes G. Parker, John Maloney, John Riley, Andrew Copp, William Kelly, Thomas Braman, Gerard Harson, John Maher, Mark Habig, William Hubbard, Theodore Fortianatry, John Sleight, Henry Gertins, Michael Lear.

Patrick Murphy, Francis Houston, Edwin Davis, Michael McHugh, Wesley Alcott, Patrick O’Neal, Frederick Everts, John H. Smith, John White, Philip Fox, William Newman, Thomas Watkins, Julius A. Maddon, Joseph Stanett, Charles Huy, Joseph Cussick, Patrick Sullivan, Robert Smith, John Fitzgerald, John McLancey, Michael Keegan, Charles Creaton, Frederick Myers, Horace Lockman, Ernest Riester, John Heffarin, William Atkins, Henry Thomas, (colored), John Woodward, Samuel Harris, John McDavis, John McKay, Newton Loper, James Murphy, Michael Nelson, John Henderhahn, Joseph Osborn, Thomas Gosden, Jacob C. Frederick, Charles F. Lutz, Owen McMahon, Edward Carroll, Jacob Miller, Joseph Cox, Henry Jackson, William H. Hall, Emanuel Roberts, William Ryan, Henry C. Noble, Jeremiah Lionne, Patrick Rogers, Charles Nash, Albert Miller, Hiram E. Hubbard, John Ward, Henry Gardener, William Wall, John King, George Duncan, Charles J. Melville, Jacob Kines, Richard Pennefeather, James Lyons, John Hopkins, Joseph Farren, John F. Keenan, Frederick Tenor, John Martin, Malcombe Sinclair, George Anderson, and William Reed.

The following are the naval recruits credited to Richmond County, under the call of July 18, 1864:

Joseph Lockman, "Wabash;" Alexander Hamilton, "Montgomery;" John Houghwout, "Alabama;" John Goggin, "Daylight;" John McAuley and Michael Farrell, "Santee;" Francis P. Donnelly, "Savannah;" B. Finnerty and William H. Mayne, "Roanoke;" John E. Barnes, Alexander Lockman, Benjamin Decker, Frank S. Ellis, and Frank Stoddard, "Mississippi;" Michael Langton, "Potomac;" John Powers, "Stars and Stripes;" Michael McCormack, "James Adger;" John Dunn, (first), "New London;" John Dunn, (second), "Unandilla;" Louis McCormack, "Amanda;" F. De Plangue, "Brandywine;" James Patterson (colored), "Morning Light;" Howard Prior, Thomas Mayne, William J. Decker, and George Stewart, "Tecumseh;" Aenos R. Parker, "Huntsville;" John Goggin, "Philadelphia;" Charles E. Burbank, and Cornelius Houghwout.

The following is a list of those drafted on Staten Island, and their substitutes, under the call of July 18, 1864:

Eugene B. Dubois, P. Sweeney, Orville D. Jewett, William Brown,
William H. Cross, R. Coleman, C. S. Jewett, Benjamin West,
Frederick A. Lane, James Conway, John W. Simonson, W. Fitzgibbons
Joseph A. Deane, John Ward, F. C. Moffatt, A. Johnson,
James B. Pollick, D. McCarthy, David B. Williamson, James Clavin,
L. D. Washburn, John Paterson, Albin C. Stryker, Edward Murphy,
William R. Irving, August Clint, L. R. Means, William Healey,
John W. Russell, Charles Birch, Alonzo P. Mayling, Michael Manell,
David Joline, Thomas Lynch, John R. Smith, John Donelson,
Elias P. Manee, R. Morgan, Richard B. Vroom, Louis Brogle,
Henry Levinson, O. McDonnell, Joseph H. Bennett, William Thomas,
George Merrill, W. Thurston, Ancil Vroom, George Kolatch,
Seth C. Joline, James Havens, Garrett B. Vroom, John Raoose,
David Van Name, James P. Reese, William Corry, Charles Pregizere,
John E. Merrell, John Carroll, C. C. Ellis, Henry Brown,
David E. Egbert, George Herschell, M. P. O’Brien, Antonio Flesch,
William W. Decker, William McArdell, H. H. Lamport, Joseph Knapp,
F. Marckham, Joseph D. Bayley, Robert Christie, Jr., John Roth,
F. A. Baker, John McCarty, Frederick C. Johnson, Haans Delly Koll,
John Merrell, Josiah Hazard, Samuel F. Barger, William Beach,
George C. Ward, James P. Murphy, George Smack, Peter Olinson,
John T. Shepler, James McFarlan, Augustus Dejonge, James Farrell,
W. C. Blintnall, Thomas Mackenhath, D. Bauer, Francis Cois,
William Schall, Emil Myer, Max Rachgaber, John Mann,
Moses Van Name, Jacob Roth, E. J. Donnell, W. Caldwell,
Charles D. Washburn, Jeane Brade, John H. Clark, James Freeman,
Martin L. Joline, A. Rink, John Maxwell, B. Fox,
Henry Seawood, James McCullough, Jacob G. Winant, William Bennett,
John E. Armstrong, James Rogers, Louis Dejonge, Thomas O’Brien,
Michael Conklin, A. Osborn, Daniel Wandel, Jr., John Pampson,
Stephen Kettletas, William W. Rolfe, Peter H. Wandel, Henry Wilson,
Benjamin F. Errington, John Beatty, Gilbert Warden, F. Brandetski,
Paul M. Drake, H. Loomis, George B. Mersereau, L. Weitel,
Malcolm M. Gregier, C. Roller, Gilbert Worder, B. Miller,
Obadiah Bowne, Thomas Sexton, Garrett Post, Nicholas Levy,
M. B. Bryant, Carl Kuntz, Charles F. Meisner, James O’Reilly,
C. D. Williams, Jean Brade, O. W. Bird, M. Madden,
Charles Van Name, Charles Fredericks, Garret P. Wright, William Maher,
Hiram W. Decker, Tredwell Wood, George T. Jones, Edward Bowman,
Rev. E. W. Hitchcock, Agustus Adanson,    

The average cost per man, including all expenses, interest, premium, etc., was $767.30.

The following is a list of the men drafted, and their substitutes, under the call of December 19, 1864:

George Mosle, William Hunter, William Totten, Henry Ford,
Lewis E. Amswick, John Moore, Jeremiah Baker, Andrew Brennan,
Patrick Kenney, Hugh Callahan, Edwin Banker, Jr., James Shiefele,
John H. Garretson, Dennis Slattery, Charles H. Van Name, Soloman Keller,
John C. Cavelti, William H. Housman (colored), William E. Bradley, Patrick Kelley,
Edward M. Cameron, Patrick McGuire, John Hornby, Martin Condin,
William H. Barrett, Ferdinand St. Leger, Jeane B. Weir, John Wilson,
Thomas Fitzachery, John Murphy, Raymond Decker, John Wood,
Edward Van Name, Charles Strong, Elijah Kingston, William Rice,
John H. Burbank, James Bronson, John W. Tilbout, Patrick Sheehan,
Alfred H. Taylor, Andrew M. Cann, Isaac Winant, Gustav Goosche,
Thomas Mulgrave, Michael Lane, John P. Van Name, William Stempf,
William M. Crane, Matthew Carr, Joseph Vroom, Max Goldsmith,
Barnett D. Wood, George Harrison, James Jacklin, John Carey,
Silas N. Havens, Timothy Daley, Hubert Dickerson, George Taylor,
Sanford W. Havens, Herman Buchner, Abraham De Hart, John McFarland,
Nicholas J. Wood, John Robinson, Charles E. Taber, Philip Miller,
Winant S. Androvette, Edward W. Ferrilla, James W. Stephens, Patrick Connolly,
John W. Mundy, Antonio Gorrisala, William Houghwout, William Kentzy,
Edward P. Chase, Michael Denney, James M. Ellis, Edward Mitchell,
C. C. Androvette, P. B. Wilmarth, John Campbell, William Felton,
Washington Hawes, John T. Blackwell, Charles H. Stebbens, John Hecker,
Isaac Reed, James M. Matthews, John V. Carroll, John Williams,
George W. Randolph, Charles Riley, John B. Seguine, John Davis,
Rev. G. T. Bugbee, Mathias Siefert, A. Seely Van Pelt, Alexander Reese,
James McGuire, William E. Korts, James Boyd, Jr., Franz Dahin,
James Dillon, Patrick Murphy, John Woglom, William Davis,
Giles Anderson, George Robertson, Michael Harding, Charles Miller,
A. J. Methfessel, Charles E. Francis, J. Billings Farnsworth, Henry Greenon,
H. J. Munn, David Kenney, John Castine, John Buck,
Richard E. Kruser, Michael O’Neal, Benjamin Buckworth, Joseph Powers,
John Bonner, Samuel Kinge, Reuben D. Stillwell, Patrick Sullivan,
James J. Totten, Michael Hagens, Cornelius M. Braisted, James Donnelly,
Sebastian Ellis, Oscar F. Stanton, William H. J. Bodine, Samuel Clark,
John J. Seguine, Thomas Quirk, Carl Shafer, Patrick Welsh,
William J. Vredenburgh, Timothy Maher, James Turney, Martin Sorden,
John H. Decker, John McDermot, John H. Hedley, William Schmidt,
Abraham Decker, Thomas Williams (colored), John Blatch, James McClea,
Alfred Storer, Michael Quinn, Joseph Burnes, William Fay,
George W. Chambers, Michael Baker, Tyler M. Parker, William Biggs,
George W. Vreeland, Thomas Grant, John M. Egbert, John Taylor,
Amos B. Heal, Alfred Moreland, Jacob H. Van Pelt, W. J. Crooke,
John W. Snedecker, Francis Croan, Matthias Egboff, John B. Smith,
Robert Lee, Philip Perrill, Henry Voght, James Fischer,
Stephen W. Johnson, John McCullough, George W. Anderson, Henry Whenin,
Eugene Androvette, William Fielding, Samuel A. Merrill, Patrick Cunan,
Paul Latourette, John Daly, Edward Housman, Michael Coughlan,
Bryon D. Herrick, William Mortimore, Aug. C. Achilles, James Dailey,
George F. Victor, James Boner, Isaac G. Boyce, James O’Brien,
Charles Whelp, George Williamson, Elbert Poillon, Charles Wade,
Elias Braisted, Samuel Lester, Jesse Twaddle, Thomas M. Beane,
Cornelius E. Merrill, Francis Manning, Jacob Sleight, Thomas Hyland,
Charles A. Grimes, John Riley, Alexander Grant, James Murphy,
Beverly Robinson, Charles Mars, Peter A. Woglom, Patrick Brady,
Thomas E. Davis, Jr., John Snedecker, William Redmond, Thomas Capener,
John Ingram, James Whelehan, William Haxton, Peter Gavazzi,
Martin Zeloff, Rufus Price, Anton Mosle, Emil Mitchelson,
Asel Brainard, Peter Duffy, Henry Widmyer, Matthew Skinner,
Thomas M. Rainhard, Seymour Canvin, Lionel Jacobs, Charles Elgie.

The average cost per man, including all charges and interest on loan, $760.72.


Transcribed by: Jamie M. Perez jamiemac at flash dot net

© 1999-2025 Updated on Sunday, 01-Aug-2021 18:34:20 PDT