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From website of Robert L. Billard, at http://homepages.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~rbillard/vital_statistics.htm, who very generously says: In accordance with my firm belief that well established genealogical data should be FREELY available AND accessible, I utterly and completely REVOKE any and all claim to copyright protection for ANYTHING that appears on this web page and any of its sub-pages accessed via its hyperlinks. Robert L. Billard 8/29/2001 Staten Island - Moravian Church, Marriages 1764-1863 1764 27 Dec; David Burger; Anne Stilwell 1766 04 Mar; Christian Jacobson; Anne Vandeventer 1771 17 Nov; George Colon; Mary Limner 1773 29 Jun; Edward Beatty; Eleanor Cortelyou 1774 17 Jul; Nathaniel Britton; Catharine Colon 1775 15 Jan; Lewis Ryerze; Catharine Connor 1777 03 Aug; James Egbert; Elisabeth Martinoe 1777 ?? ???; Jacob Wood; Elisabeth Nichols 1777 28 Dec; John Buskirk; Jane Blaw 1778 21 Jan; Peter Selif; Elisabeth Beglo 1778 30 Jan; Peter Guyon; Catharine Ketteltass 1778 05 Apr; Peter Haughwout; Mary Martinoe 1778 05 Apr; Cornelius Dugan; Aletta Cousine 1778 20 May; Stephen Wood; Alice Simerson 1778 17 Jun; Albert Journey; Mary Perine 1778 09 Aug; Hezekiah Rickow; Sarah Dennys 1778 20 Aug; Benjamin Appleby; Sarah Van Pelt 1778 26 Aug; Jonathan Gage; Elizabeth Medes 1778 27 Aug; Tucker Tabor; Jane Love 1778 07 Jun; John Bachus; ??? Brock 1778 30 Aug; Thomas Robinson; Alice Hill 1778 06 Sep; Gager Freeman; Catharine Simeson 1778 11 Sep; Elihu Wolly; Sara Vansise 1778 15 Sep; Thomas Parker; Eleanor Smith 1778 20 Dec; Joseph Sylva; Susanna Mitchell 1778 20 Dec; Isaac Decker; Ally Burbank 1779 01 Jan; John Lisk; Sara Decker 1779 06 Jan; John Dunham; Elisabeth Oliver 1779 03 Feb; Lewis Dunham; Catharine Slegt 1779 09 Feb; Joseph Beers; Mary Barton 1779 28 Feb; Abraham Bowlby; Sara Lake 1779 05 May; Christopher Hevler; Elizabeth Bront 1779 09 May; James Johnson; Mary Wood 1779 16 May; Reuben Rickow; Ann Thorn 1779 17 May; William Carroll; Mary Chambers 1779 26 May; William Jeacocks; Hannah Garrison 1779 12 Jun; Benjamin Prall; Margaret Simonson 1779 21 Jun; Thomas Trot; Sophia Romer 1779 18 Oct; Thomas Batten; Mary Hinslif 1779 31 Oct; Nathaniel Britton; Sarah Pugh 1779 07 Nov; Daniel De Hart; Elisabeth Mersereau 1780 23 Jan; Stephen Mercereau; Sara White 1780 23 Jan; William Biggs; Hannah Beard 1779 20 Nov; Peter Rednor; ??? 1780 13 Feb; Robert Mesy; Margaret Daily 1780 02 Mar; Stephen Wood; Joice Boyes 1780 14 Mar; John Innes; Eleanor Smith 1780 09 Apr; Jonah Colon; Elizabeth Zeller 1780 06 May; William Ellison; Ann Hughs 1780 08 May; Hezekiah Marks; Eleanor Callahoun 1780 15 May; John Britt; Catharine Hemmium 1780 16 May; Jesse Tabor; Elizabeth Wood 1780 31 May; William Beser; Eleanor Elland 1780 03 Jul; John Fortunate; Sarah Britton 1780 16 Jul; John Hughs; Ann Dobson 1780 23 Jul; Rulof Jacobus; Lydia Van Syle 1780 25 Aug; John Williams; Tryphena Gold 1780 31 Aug; Jacob Long; Eliz. Fleming 1781 03 Jan; John Tyson; Mary Housman 1781 16 Jan; Eliphalet Jones; Elizabeth Bogart 1781 16 Feb; Jesse Keen; Margaret Henly 1781 25 Feb; John Mersereau; Judith Poillon 1781 15 Mar; William Reed; Elizabeth Waters 1781 25 Mar; Daniel Lewis; Elizabeth Handlin 1781 04 Apr; Richard Webb; Dorcas Bardine 1781 03 Apr; Joseph Stackhouse; Sarah Anderson 1781 15 Apr; Nicholas Journeay; Ann Garretson 1781 22 Apr; David Leaforge; Catharine Seguine 1781 29 Apr; John Wood; Caturey Ridgway 1781 12 May; Ashley Bowen; Sarah Palmer 1781 13 May; Barney Slack; Mary Cole 1781 30 May; Henry Parlee; Rebeka Cole 1781 03 Jun; John Guyon; Sara Ward 1781 03 Jun; Thomas Craddock; Sarah Bedel 1781 03 Jun; William Granger; Sarah Stuart 1781 10 Jun; Myles Gardner; Eleanor Strickland 1781 13 Jun; Amos Rooke; Martha Mersereau 1781 18 Jun; John Mersereau; Mary Taylor 1781 18 Jun; James Mitchel; Margaret Wilson 1781 13 Aug; John Segoin; Catharine Jennins 1781 15 Aug; Joseph Leake; Frances Egbert 1781 15 Aug; Peter Price; Mary Spann 1781 02 Sep; Henry Miller; Elisabeth Garrison 1781 05 Sep; Daniel Storer; Catharine Androvette 1781 07 Oct; Daniel Perine; Lucy Holmes 1781 21 Oct; John Garretson; Martha Codmas 1781 08 Nov; John Kruse; Jemima Simonson 1781 20 Nov; Peter Saunders; Letta Skinner 1781 30 Nov; Edmund Warner; Jane Fitchet 1781 04 Dec; Edward Egbert; Mary Cortelyou 1781 06 Dec; Henry Priester; Elizabeth Romer 1781 18 Dec; Adam Smith; Hannah Barclay 1781 20 Dec; William Thorn; Anne Rickow 1782 14 Jan; Duncan Kennedy; Mary Mann 1782 14 Feb; Lewis Frazur; Catharine Thorn 1782 12 Mar; John Egbert; Mary Holmes 1782 22 Mar; Jonathan Parker; Mary Paterson 1782 08 Apr; George McLeland; Margery Teague 1782 14 Apr; Cornelius Mersereau; Aultje Amerman 1782 22 Apr; Simon Meyer; Ann Bush 1782 23 Apr; George Grey; Mary Eldridge 1782 28 Apr; Peter Perine; Ann Palmer 1782 19 May; Peter Prall; Elizabeth Ridgway 1782 09 Jun; Moses Van Namur; Mary Legrange 1782 12 Jun; ??? Telston; Susan Newland 1782 12 Jun; John Ferris; Mary Stilwell 1782 13 Jun; Richard Hately; Mary Cole 1782 23 Jun; Peter Boost; Mary Van Namer 1782 03 Jun; Jacob Vanderbilt; Rachel Dennis 1782 14 Jul; Hugh Doyle; Elisabeth Chambers 1782 24 Jul; Charles Murphy; Catharine McBride 1782 14 Sep; William Allen; Martha Grimma 1782 07 Oct; William Van Pelt; Sarah Saunders 1782 09 Oct; Isaac Baldwin; Frances Kelly 1782 03 Nov; Asher Codington; Judith Taylor 1782 10 Nov; James Butler; Frances Butler 1782 24 Nov; Abraham Stilwell; Ann Ward 1782 01 Dec; Thomas Gerrand; Esther Smith 1782 01 Dec; Garret Bush; Elizabeth Van Namur 1783 23 Jan; Henry Sleight; Catharine Butler 1783 18 Mar; John Wandel; Susannah Latterette 1783 25 Mar; Elias Van Winkel; Lucy Price 1783 15 Apr; William Alexander; Jane Allen 1783 16 Apr; Jacob Crocheron; Ann Morgan 1783 14 May; Henry Barger; Mary Tysen 1783 11 Jun; Daniel Ross; Desire Bigilow 1783 07 Aug; Abraham Lake; Patience Berbank (wid) 1783 10 Aug; Laurence Cripps; Susanna Fountain 1783 12 Aug; Roger Flinn; Johanna Barnes 1783 29 Aug; John Ayre; Elizabeth Smith 1783 30 Aug; Zenophon Jewet; Gertrude Garritson 1783 02 Sep; George Adkens; Abigail Ogles 1783 09 Sep; Abraham Long; Ann Rambel 1783 17 Sep; Anthony Fountain; Martha Crips 1783 25 Sep; Nicholas Britton; Judith Johnson 1783 06 Oct; John Ingham; Margaret Calcraft 1783 15 Oct; Barent Simonson; Anne Beatty 1783 26 Oct; Austin Barton; Rebeka Burbank 1783 19 Nov; John Byvank; Elisabeth Decker 1783 28 Dec; Timothy Wood; Mary Blake 1784 15 Feb; Joakim Stilwell; Susanna Scarret 1784 18 Feb; John Van Pelt; Judith Durant 1784 17 Feb; Cornelius Fountain; Elisabeth Vandeventer 1784 07 May; John Dorset; Martha Cortelyou 1784 03 Aug; James Burdine; Elisabeth Egbert 1787 31 May; John Garrison; Elizabeth Connor 1787 20 Sep; Cornelius Bedell; Elizabeth Jacobson 1788 02 Jul; John Jacobson; Hilletje Bedell 1788 16 Nov; Samuel Egbert; Cathrine Smith 1788 17 Nov; John Martino; Jane Christopher 1788 17 Dec; Jacob Cortelyou; Elizabeth Corsen 1789 31 May; Abraham Egbert; Ann Martino 1789 23 Dec; John Baker; Charity Wandel 1790 03 Jan; Samuel Smith; Elizabeth Perine 1790 16 Jan; Francis Post; Experience Marshall 1790 21 Feb; Daniel Corsen; Rebecca Martino 1790 07 Apr; Peter Fountain; Claushea Spears 1791 19 May; Richard Conor jr; Sophia Clausen 1791 06 Jul; Tunis Egbert; Ann Burbank 1791 25 Sep; Stephen Ketteltas; Ardrae Britton 1791 30 Oct; John Van der Bilt; Elizabeth Taylor 1792 26 Jan; Joseph Moore; Johanna Ward 1792 26 Jan; William Williams; Sarah Hooper 1792 19 Feb; John White; Mary Lockerman 1792 25 Mar; Elisha Kribbs; Magdalene McLean 1793 04 Feb; Benajah Martino; Hannah Decker 1793 05 Nov; James Lewis; Rebecca Collong 1794 02 Feb; Jeremiah Baker; Sarah Butler 1794 03 Feb; John Marshall; Sussanna Swaim 1794 06 Feb; Zedick Vinenant; Catherine Sefurde 1794 25 Feb; Vincent Fountain; Alice Jinnings 1794 01 Apr; Richard S. Cary; Judith Bard 1794 05 Jun; Matthew Decker; Mary Latterete 1794 25 Sep; Isaac Symerson; Elizabeth Barnes 1795 01 Jan; John Britton; Rachel Burbank 1794 ?? ???; Rubin Symerson; Phoebe Decker 1795 17 Feb; Antony Fountain; Phoebe Thomson 1795 19 Feb; Matthias Enyard; Sarah Decker 1795 05 Mar; Peter Cortelyou; Amey Hilliyard 1795 22 Mar; Richard Decker; Mary Ann Kinsey 1795 03 Aug; Thomas Vanderbilt; Williga Symerson 1796 24 Sep; Christopher Parkinson; Phoebe Garritson 1796 23 Oct; Edward Egbert; Sarah Phrol 1797 02 May; Jacob Lossier; Sarah Beatty 1797 22 Jun; John Chroson; Catharine Ryerss 1797 22 Oct; Henry Miller; Elizabeth Barton 1797 28 Dec; John Beatty; Elizabeth Lake 1798 20 Jan; Abraham Decker; Cathrine Kinsey 1798 02 Sep; James Burdine (wid); Margret Oakley 1798 02 Sep; Robert Anderson; Mary Sargent 1798 10 Nov; Niclas Depew; Sussanna Seymourson 1799 17 Jan; Daniel Lake; Ann Lockerman 1799 28 Feb; John Merlin; Cathrine Mitchel 1799 19 Mar; Niclas Depuy; Cathrine Decker 1799 04 Aug; Ord. Housman; Mary Morgan 1799 21 Dec; Mathew Stevenson; Anne Drake 1800 19 Jan; Daniel Froom; Martha Baker 1800 14 Apr; George Colon; Billetje Lewis (wid) 1800 09 Sep; John Morrel; Jane Jones 1800 21 Sep; Daniel Jones; Elizabeth Christopher 1800 16 Oct; Robert Journey; Sarah Cole 1800 20 Nov; Peter Van Pelt; Cathrine Glendinen 1801 03 May; George Shingles; Jemima Bredsted 1801 21 Jun; David Vanamour; Elizabeth Mercereau 1801 11 Aug; Mathew Bennet; Rachel Burbank 1801 23 Aug; Jacob Bantea; Elizabeth Wood 1801 29 Aug; Nathaniel Frome; Mary Barton 1801 22 Sep; Abraham Mitchel; Margret Decker 1801 14 Oct; Gerrit Post; Margret Mercereau 1801 16 Nov; Aaron Simonson; Elizabeth Mercereau 1801 21 Nov; James Warren; Elizabeth Mercereau 1801 03 Dec; John Corsen; Sussanna Enyard 1801 29 Nov; Richard Van Pelt; Elizabeth Donats 1801 06 Dec; Niclas Bush; Cathrine Van Pelt 1802 28 Jul; Cornelius Egbert; Naatje Housman 1802 04 Sep; John Burbank; Ann Egbert (d of John) 1802 09 Nov; Joseph Skerret; Elizabeth Lockerman 1802 27 Dec; Jeremy Baker; Deborah Hatfield 1803 01 Oct; John Hatfield ym; Catharine Van Pelt (wid Bogart) 1803 16 Oct; Peter Mitchel (wid); Sarah Baker (wid) 1803 05 Dec; John Skerret; Catharine Perine 1804 04 Mar; William Barton (s of Austin & Rebecca Burbank); Lucy Egbert (d of John & Mary Holmes) 1804 29 Mar; John Journeay; ??? 1804 04 Aug; Charles Symonson; Mary Vanderbilt (d of Cornelius & Phebe) 1804 18 Aug; Abraham Symonson; Phebe Locker 1804 06 Oct; Peter Cozine; Susanna Butler 1804 24 Nov; Richard Aroe; Elizabeth Stilwell 1804 23 Dec; John Skerret; Francis Rooks (wid) 1805 02 Feb; Isaac Barton (s of Joseph); Catharine Colon (d of James dec) 1805 01 Apr; Nicolas Vancleve; Mary Terret 1805 12 Feb; James Murray; Susan Skerret (d of Richard) 1805 14 Apr; Isaac Burbank (s of Abraham); Sarah Egbert (d of Edward & Mary dec) 1805 14 Apr; Tunis Egbert (s of Edward & Mary dec); Sarah Barton (d of Joseph) 1805 09 Jun; Jeffries Alston; Sarah Decker 1805 22 Sep; ??? Morgan; Francis Wynand 1805 02 Oct; Abner Johnson; Salome Hedding 1805 13 Oct; Cornelius Beatty (s of Edward & Eleanore); Ann Jacobson (d of John & Hilletje) 1805 20 Oct; Richard Taylor; Dinah Swaim 1805 23 Oct; Ozias Alnsley (wid); Elizabeth Johnson (wid) 1805 09 Nov; Joseph Lake; ??? Morgan 1805 22 Dec; Michael Marsac; Rachel Jinnings 1806 16 Jan; Daniel Stilwell; Hanna Skerrett 1806 02 Mar; John Decker; Mary Van Norman 1806 02 Mar; William Morgan; Sabina Decker 1806 22 Mar; Jacob Breasted; Lavina Totten 1806 22 Jun; William Beatty; Mary Barger 1806 06 Jul; Richard Bedell (wid); Hanna Pepperill (wid Van Pelt) 1806 07 Aug; Peter Breasted; Sara Crips 1806 12 Aug; Abraham Lisk; Jane Wandel 1806 23 Oct; James Colon; Charity Johnson 1807 10 Feb; Abraham Hooper; Charity Stilwell (d of Abraham & Ann) 1807 30 Apr; James Romer; Mary Stilwell (d of Abraham & Ann) 1807 28 Jun; Daniel Lake (wid s of Joseph); Ann Flitcher yd 1807 09 Aug; Peter Van Pelt (wid); Martha Wood yd 1807 01 Aug; Cornelius Christopher; Sarah Pew 1807 11 Oct; John De Fries; Charlotte Vanderbilt (d of Cornelius & Phebe) 1807 19 Dec; William Drury (of Scotland); Susan Stilwell (d of Joshua & Susan Skerrit) 1807 22 Dec; Barnet Depew; Sarah Decker (d of Israel) 1808 23 Jan; ??? Depew (b of Barnet); Elisabeth Decker 1808 12 Mar; Daniel Guyon (wid s of James & Ann Connor dec); Elisabeth Clawson (wid Young) 1808 13 Mar; John Fountain (s of Anthony & 1st w); Margaret Holmes 1808 07 Jul; Joseph Mersereau; Sara Bedell (d of Richard & 1st w ??? Elnesly) 1808 09 Jul; John Decker; Mary Burbank (d of Abraham) 1808 16 Jul; David Praul (f dec); Catharine Dorsett (d of John & Martha) 1808 20 Aug; John Jennings; Catharine Skerret (d of Richard) 1808 11 Sep; Abraham Van Pelt; Mary Fountain (d of Vincent) 1808 02 Dec; Odissa Shay ym; Appolonia Skerret (wid Mott) 1809 01 Apr; Abraham Decker; Ann Martino (d of Stephen & Elenor) 1809 22 Oct; John Burbank (wid s of Abraham); Ann Decker yd (d of Mathias) 1809 05 Nov; David Decker (s of Mathias); Catharine Decker (d of Mathias) 1809 10 Dec; Abraham Simonson; Ann Prall 1809 14 Dec; Hosea Alexander Rozeau (s of Peter & Mary); Mary Morgan (d of Jesse & Catherine) 1809 23 Dec; Stephen Wood (s of Stephen); Ann Bodine (d of James) 1810 14 Jan; Abraham Merril; Elisabeth Martino (d of Stephen & Eleanor) 1810 27 Jan; John Simonson (f dec); Catharine Garretson (d of John) 1810 22 Feb; Lewis R. Marsh (s of Ralph & Jennet); Margaret P. Dubois (d of Lewis & Elisabeth) 1810 10 Mar; William Squires; Lena Merril 1810 31 Mar; John Decker; Elisabeth Van Pelt 1810 19 Aug; Robert Marsh (s of Christopher & Ann); Rhoda Marsh (d of John) 1810 27 Sep; Moses Van Pelt; Mary Upton 1810 29 Sep; Isaac Lewis (wid s of Lewis dec & Billetje now Colon); Rachel Marshall 1810 14 Oct; John M'Cullagh; Sarah Gibson 1810 19 Dec; Joseph Sylvy; Elizabeth Skerret (d of Richard) 1811 16 Feb; Anthony Fountain (s of Anthony & 1st w ??? Journey); Ann Egbert (d of James & Elizabeth dec) 1811 28 Feb; Abraham Winant; Hettie Dubois 1811 09 Apr; Nathaniel Bodine (s of John); Maria Garretson (d of John & 1st w Elisabeth Connor) 1811 ?? May; Francis Morse (of England); Mary Pew (f dec) 1811 29 Jun; Thomas Skerret (s of Richard); Martha Crips 1811 29 Jun; Stephen Mott (s of John & Appolonia Skerret); Mary Mitchel (d of Peter & ??? Skerret) 1811 18 Sep; Patrick Currant ym (of Ireland); Jane Hunter (wid) 1811 28 Oct; James Egbert (s of James & Elizabeth Martino); Sarah Merril (d of John) 1811 23 Nov; Aron Van Pelt; Sara Praul (d of John & ??? Hilliard) 1811 23 Dec; Abraham Brasted (s of John & Willemptje Bratt); Elsea Silvy (d of Joseph Griggs de Silva & Susan) 1812 02 Jan; Cornelis Johnson (s of Nathaniel dec & Eleonore Vanderbilt); Elizabeth Corson 1812 28 Jan; Abraham Van Houten; Catharine Grandine 1812 29 Jan; David Barger (s of Henry dec & Mary Tysen dec); Sara Cortelyou (d of Jacob & Elisabeth Corsen) 1812 02 May; Jacob Beatty (s of Edward & Eleonore Cortelyou); Eliza Cortelyou (d of Jacob & Elisabeth) 1812 10 May; Stephen Martino (s of Stephen & ??? Haughwout); Charity Christopher (d of Peter) 1812 28 May; John Bird (s of Anthony); Susan Mitchel (d of Peter & 1st w) 1812 25 May; John Fountain (s of Vincent); Jane Housman (d of Abraham) 1812 06 Sep; John Decker (s of Barnet); Ann Jones (f dec) 1812 18 Sep; Mathias Jones (f dec); Juliana Sylvy (d of Jas. & Susan) 1812 10 Oct; Jacob Housman (s of Abraham); Lena Cruse 1812 01 Nov; John Baker (s of Andrew & Catharine); Elizabeth Prickett 1812 17 Dec; William Winant; Hannah Decker (d of Jacob) 1813 ?? Jan; John Lake; Sarah Prickett 1813 08 Feb; John Sebring (s of wid Eliza); Elisabeth Taylor 1813 20 Jun; Peter Post (s of Francis & Experience); Catharine Merrill (d of John & Frances) 1813 27 Jun; Isaac Housman (s of Abraham & Jane); Frances Van Namur (d of Aaron & Mary) 1813 24 Nov; John Christian Jacobson; Catharine Connor 1813 08 Dec; Jesse Laforge; Catharine Pryor 1814 26 Feb; John Decker (22 yrs); Ann Egbert (d of Edward dec) 1814 25 Mar; James; Mary (colored) 1814 30 Apr; Sam; Mary (colored) 1814 08 May; Simon; Sally (colored) 1814 01 Oct; Cesar; Saran (colored) 1814 23 Oct; John Bodine (s of Vincent); Elisabeth Martino (d of Benajah) 1814 26 Oct; Daniel Decker (s of Mathias & Mary Ann); Mary Lewis (d of James & Rebecca) 1814 12 Nov; Henry Seguine (s of John & Rachel); Patience Brittain (d of John & Rachel) 1814 26 Dec; Arthur Burbank (s of Abraham & Lena); Mary Ann Enyard (d of Mathias & Sarah) 1815 01 Jan; Matthew Decker (s of Matthew & Mary); Ann Colon (d of Jane) 1815 03 Jan; William Decker (s of Barnet & Hannah); Rebekkah Ammeman (d of John & Elisabeth) 1815 04 Feb; Peter Wood (s of James); Sarah Ann Cortelyou (d of Peter & Amy) 1815 11 Feb; Tunis Egbert (s of Abraham & Ann); Isabella Vanderbilt (d of John & Elisabeth) 1815 12 Feb; Stephen Wood (s of Joseph dec & Ann); Ann Marsh (d of Richard & Sarah 1815 20 Feb; Jesse Wynant (s of George & Elizabeth); Catharine Wright (d of Joshua & Catharine) 1815 26 Mar; Nathaniel H. Martin (s of Benjamin & Abigail); Sarah Dorsett (d of John & Marth) 1815 16 Apr; Benjamin Sibell (s of John & Sarah); Frances Wynant (d of Daniel & Sarah) 1815 16 Apr; Aaron Saffin (s of William); Mary Wynant (d of Daniel & Sarah) 1815 13 May; Joseph Lockman (wid); Locky Cears yd (d of Elias dec & Jane dec) 1815 27 May; Thomas Miller (s of Henry); Mary Haughwout (d of Wynant & Mary) 1815 12 Aug; Nicholas Crocheron (19 s of Nicholas & Ann); Ann Elizabeth Guyon (18 d of Daniel Guyon & 1st wife Frances) 1815 04 Oct; Tom; Sal (colored) 1815 07 Oct; Richard Skerrit (21 s of James & Ann); Mary Mott (d of James & Appolonia) 1815 09 Oct; James Sharp (s of William & Elizabeth); Jane Cruser (d of John & Jemima) 1815 22 Nov; William Stillwell (s of Abraham & Ann); Lavina Simonson (d of Silas & Ann) 1815 09 Dec; Matthias Haughwout (s of Francis & Hester); Susan Ann Roff (d of Joseph & Catharina) 1815 23 Dec; Abraham Egbert (s of Abraham & Ann); Ann Burbank (d of Jacob & Ann) 1815 26 Oct; William Prawl (s of Daniel); Ann Egbert (d of Tunis & Ann) 1816 07 Jan; Thomas; Eliza (colored) 1816 30 Mar; Tunis Egbert (s of John & Mary); Margaret Crocheron (d of Richard & Jane) 1816 04 May; William Blake (21 s of William & Ann); Elizabeth Wood (d of Timothy & Mary) 1816 02 Jun; Abraham Noble (s of Daniel dec & Esther); Catharine Morgan (d of William Morgan dec & Mary) 1816 02 Jun; Tom; Ana (colored) 1816 08 Jun; Cornelius Sleight (s of Jacob & Jane); Mary Ann Butler (d of Nathaniel & Sophia) 1816 06 Oct; Lewis Ryerze (s of Orris dec & Sarah); Catharine Decker (d of Richard & Mary Ann) 1816 20 Oct; Abraham Merrill (s of Abraham & Mary); Eleonor Merrill( d of John & Elizabeth) 1816 31 Oct; Oliver Decker (s of Abraham & Mary dec); Hannah Simonson (d of Barnet & Sarah) 1816 02 Dec; Gerrit Post (s of Abraham and Mary); Elizabeth Blake (d of William & Ann) 1816 23 Dec; Jacob Van Pelt (s of Samuel dec & Sarah Ann); Mary Simonson (d of Joseph & Rebecca) 1817 01 Jan; John Blake (s of William & Ann); Mary Van Name (d of Aaron & Cathatharine) 1817 29 Mar; Egbert Merrill (s of John & Elizabeth); Mary Jones (d of Abraham dec & Mary) 1817 20 Apr; Michael Van Name (s of Moses dec & Mary); Gertrude Martha Cortelyou (d of Jacob dec & Elizabeth) 1817 11 Jun; Samuel Coddington (s of David & Elizabeth Randolph); Catharine Jacobson (d of John V. D. & Hilletje Bedell) 1817 07 Jul; John Winant (s of Simon & Sarah); Martha (d of Barnet ??? & wid Mary Jones) 1817 27 Aug; Jeremiah Winant (s John & Sarah); Ann Crocheron (d of John dec & Sophia) 1817 15 Nov; Samuel Egbert (s of John & Mary Holmes); Betsey Blake (d of John & Polly) 1817 13 Dec; Peter Sisk (s of John & Sarah Decker); Mary Wright (d of Thomas & Catharine Blake) 1817 25 Dec; Elias Butler (s of John and Polly Kingston); Charlotte Van Pelt (d of Samuel & Sally) 1818 31 Jan; Joseph Lake (s of Joseph & Maria Coursen); Ann Jane Tuthill (d of Israel & Elizabeth Janer) 1818 08 Mar; Terrence R. Ryers (s of Orris & Sarah); Ellen H. Decker (d of Matthias & Lydia) 1818 18 Apr; Abraham Seguine (s of John & Rachel); Elizabeth Simonson (d of Joseph & Rebecca) 1818 11 May; Saul; Louisa (colored) 1818 23 Aug; Peter Van Pelt (s of David & Ann); Rachel Haughabout (d of Peter dec & Hannah) 1818 08 Sep; James Wood (wid s of Abraham dec & Ruth); Esther Prue (d of Elias & Esther) 1818 15 Dec; James Egbert (wid s of Tunis & Ann; Martha Burbank (wid Abraham Egbert) 1818 26 Dec; Jacob Harzen (s of Cornelius & Ann); Margaretta Perine (d of Abraham & Sarah) 1819 07 Jan; Jonathon Merril (s of Richard & Martha Hooper); Maria Egbert (d of James & Elizabeth Martinse) 1819 02 Oct; Vincent Fountain (s of Vincent & Else); Catharine Butler (d of Isaac dec & Catharine dec) 1819 12 Oct; Abraham Tyson (s of Richard); Ann Housman (d of Aaron & Mary Morgan) 1819 25 Oct; Richard Tyson (wid); Elizabeth Cortelyou (wid) 1819 14 Dec; John Davis (s of John dec & Sally); Jane Wood (d of Richard & Catharine) 1819 14 Dec; George Van Pelt (s of Peter & Mary); Ann Moore (d of James & Catharine) 1820 01 Jan; Abraham Van Duser (s of Daniel & Ann); Jane Vanderbilt (d of Cornelius & Phebe) 1820 04 Jan; Robert Wilson; Nellie Simonson (colored) 1820 22 Jan; Moses Decker (s of Samuel & Rebecca Decker); Lenah Pugh (d of Nicholas & Caty Decker) 1820 18 Mar; Abraham Stilwill (s of Abraham & Caty dec); Mary Scharret (d of John & Mary) 1820 12 May; Daniel Jones (s of Barent & Mary); Jane Banta (d of Jacob & Eliza) 1820 03 Apr; John; Charity (colored) 1820 14 May; Thomas Johnston; Sally Peterson (colored) 1820 20 May; James Scharrot (s of James & Hannah); Jane Jennings (d of Lambert & Mary dec) 1820 24 May; David Cannon (s of Thomas & Betsy); Margaret Cannon (d of Isaac & Elizabeth) 1820 03 Jun; Harry; Tenor (colored) 1820 15 Jun; James Moore (s of James & Catarine Perine); Sarah Cannon (d of John & Ann) 1820 04 Jul; Daniel Martling (s of Benjamin & Elizabeth); Mary Blake (d of Edward & Mary) 1820 05 Nov; John Egbert (s of Abraham & Nancy Martinoe); Lydia Seguine (d of John & Rachel Mitchell) 1820 18 Nov; John Cannon (s of John & Ann); Dinah Swaim (d of John & Martha) 1820 26 Nov; Daniel Wood (s of Stephen & Diodema Housman); Deborah Mott (d of James & Appolonia Scharrot) 1820 06 Dec; John Goodheart (s of Christopher & Sophia); Tabitha Merril (d of Richard & Marth Hooper) 1821 22 Mar; Daniel Buskirk (s of Philip & Phebe Tucker); Hannah Cannon (d of Andrew & Polly Wright) 1821 03 Jun; Aaron Johnson (s of Daniel & Margaret); Elisabeth Praul (d of Peter & Abigail) 1821 23 Jun; Peter Burbank (s of Abraham & Lenah; Hannah Butler (d of James & Catharine) 1821 23 Jun; Newton Post (s of Francis & Experience dec); Eliza Herrington (d of William & Betsey) 1821 21 Jul; Thomas; Maria (colored) 1821 26 Sep; Cornelius Van Name (s of Aaron & Catharina Bartholew); Rebekah Coursen (d of Daniel & Rebekah Martinoe) 1821 31 Oct; Peter Woglom (s of Simon & Elisabeth Dubois); Susan Simonson (d of Arthur & Harriet Prickett) 1821 18 Oct; Jacob Johnson (s of Jacob & Betsey Haughabout); Ann Burbank (d of John & Ann Egbert) 1821 08 Dec; Peter Post (s of Garrit & Winie Bush); Mary Bartholew (d of John dec & Mary Palmer) 1821 19 Dec; Jacob Rozeau Cropsy (s of Hermanus & Elizabeth Rozeau); Elizabeth Cortelyou (d of Peter & Amy Hilliard) 1821 30 Dec; Bill; Dine (colored) 1822 30 Mar; Stacy D. Kenison (s of Stacy & Elizabeth dec); Maria Bush (d of William & Ann Van Namur) 1822 28 Aug; John Van Pelt (s of Peter & ??? Colon dec); Susan Christopher (d of John & Elizabeth) 1822 10 Sep; John Crocheron (s of Abraham & Jane Coursen); Patience Egbert (d of Tunis & Ann Burbank) 1822 02 Oct; Moses Mills (s of John Mills & Jemimah); Mary Taylor (wid Brintley d of Oliver & Sarah) 1822 03 Nov; Anzell Hill (s of Ephraim & Sarah); Lenah Perine (d of Cornelius & Magdalen) 1822 30 Nov; John Miers (s of Derick & Mary); Martha Van Cleef (d of Daniel & Anletchy) 1822 13 Nov; Joshua Mercereau (s of Stephen & Elizabeth); Maria Sharrot (d of John & Catharine Perine) 1822 25 Dec; James Johnson (wid s of Edward & Polly Sharrot); Ann Martling (d of John & Catharine) 1822 26 Dec; Thomas Jackson; Judy Crockeron (colored) 1823 02 Jan; Merrel Hilliard (s of John); Eliza Coursen (d of Richard & ??? Egbert) 1823 02 Jan; Harry Swaim; Eliza Barnes (colored) 1823 15 Feb; Daniel Jackson; Mary Seely (colored) 1823 23 Mar; John Van Duser (s of Daniel & Ann); Sarah Vanderbilt (d of John & Elizabeth Taylor) 1823 09 Apr; Daniel Mersereau (s of Stephen); Ellen Maria Lozier (d of Jacob & Sarah Beatty) 1823 11 May; Jacob Van Cleef (s of Daniel & Letty); Catharine Wood (d of Timothy Wood) 1823 17 May; Jacob Bush (s of Nicholas & Caty dec); Mary Cairns (d of John & Harriet) 1823 17 May; Aaron Drake; Ellen Decker (d of Barnet & Catharine) 1823 24 May; Peter Van Pelt (s of Jacob & Catharine); Elizabeth Decker (d of Barnet & Catharine) 1823 04 Jun; Aaron Saffin (wid s of William); Eliza ??? (wid Foot d of William & Sarah) 1823 08 Jun; James Britton (s of John & Rachel); Frances Sylvy (d of Richard & Hester) 1823 08 Jun; Jesse Paulus (s of Cornelius & Sophia); Sarah Simonson (d of Joseph & Rebekah) 1823 19 Jun; John Wood (s of Stephen & Deina); Mary Vroom (d of Christopher & Mary) 1823 19 Jul; Edward Vanderbilt (s of John & Elizabeth); Mary Ann Egbert (d of Cornelius dec) 1823 04 Oct; Ebenezer Davis (s of Ebenezer & Rachel); Elizabeth Merrell (d of Abraham & Ann) 1823 18 Oct; John Taylor (s of Abraham & Catharine); Grace Thatcher (d of Charles & Elizabeth dec) 1823 29 Oct; John Dorsett (s of John & Martha); Ellen Connover Cropsy (d of Nicholas & ??? Winant) 1823 13 Dec; Abraham Martling (s of John & Catharine); Elizabeth Wright (d of Thomas & Catharine) 1824 06 Jan; Richard Decker (s of Richard & Mary Ann); Eliza Egbert (d of Joseph & Jane Martling) 1824 04 Apr; Paris M. Davis (s of Richard & Sarah Moore); Eliza Jane Lake (d of Richard & Mary) 1824 09 May; Henry Kruser (s of John & Miami); Ellen Simonson (d of Arthur & Mary) 1824 13 Jun; Jacob Vreeland (s of George & Rebecca); Betsy Lockman (d of Joseph & Jane) 1824 16 Jun; John Barron (s of Joseph & Fanny); Mary Connor (d of Richard & Sophia Clawson) 1824 22 Jun; Vincent Bodine (s of Vincent dec & ??? Blake; Mary Ann Burbank (d of Isaac & Sally Egbert) 1824 15 Aug; Abraham Bird (s of Martha); Susan Ann Perine (d of Cornelius) 1824 22 Sep; Israel Decker (s of Israel & Leah dec); Catharine Bartholen (d of John & Mary) 1824 29 Sep; Daniel Stilwell; Hester Silvy (d of Richard & Hester Taylor) 1824 23 Oct; Barnt Seaman; Margaret Price (colored) 1824 18 Nov; Edward Barnes (s of John & Margrett); Maria Merrill (d of Abraham) 1824 11 Dec; Cornelius Egbert (s of Abraham dec & Nancy Martinoe); Maria De Pugh (d of Nicholas & Catharine) 1824 18 Dec; Daniel Simonson (s of John & Phebe); Sally Ann De Pugh (d of Abraham & Mary) 1824 18 Dec; Daniel Jackson; Ann (colored) 1824 18 Dec; Charles; Sarah (colored) 1825 06 Jan; Richard Connor (s of Richard & Sophia Clawson); Sarah Egbert (d of James & Elizabeth Martino) 1825 08 Jan; Matthew Decker (s of Abraham dec & Catharine); Eliza Cole (d of Richard dec & Ann dec) 1825 17 Mar; John Wood (wid); Catharine Connor (wid Jacobson d of Richard & Sophia Clawson) 1825 23 Mar; James Garretson; Ann Winet (colored) 1825 07 Apr; Abel Cannon (s of John & Ann); Catharine Moore (d of James & Catharine) 1825 17 Apr; John Davis (s of Jacob & Harriott Reed); Susan Ann Scharrot (d of John & Mary) 1825 05 Jun; Cornelius Egbert (s of John & Mary Holmes); Catharine Lake (d of Barnet dec & Catharine) 1825 16 Jun; Lawrence Crips (aged wid); Polly Lake (yd d of William Lake) 1825 02 Jul; Henry Garretson; Mary Lawrence (colored) 1825 16 Jul; Thomas Disosway; Diana Clarkson (colored) 1825 30 Jul; Abraham Decker (s of Israel & Rachel); Catharine Maria Pryor (d of Andrew & Elizabeth) 1825 31 Jul; Cornelius Marston (s of John & Deborah); Mary Butler (d of James & Catharine) 1825 04 Sep; George Avery (s of George dec & Grace); Catharine Crips (d of James & Sally) 1825 01 Nov; John N. Tooker; Maria Jacobson (d of John V. D. & Hilletje) 1825 20 Nov; John Merrell (s of Abraham dec & Ann); Margarett Housman (d of Abraham & Hester) 1825 27 Nov; William Ross (s of William); Margrett Simonsen (d of Reuben & Jane Decker) 1825 30 Nov; Abraham Housman (s of Abraham Housman); Margarett Bodine (d of James & Margarett) 1825 15 Dec; Barzillai Burr; Ann Beatty (d of John & Elizabeth) 1826 18 Mar; Garret Ellis (s of Garret & Mary); Susan Butler (d of Nathaniel dec & Sophia) 1826 02 Apr; Edward Merrell (s of John & Elizabeth); Catharine Shields (d of Thomas & Ann) 1826 14 Jun; Gabriel Martino (s of Benajah & Hannah); Eliza Catharine Martling (d of John & Dorcas LaForge) 1826 27 Jul; James McLaughlin; Caroline Jaques 1826 05 Aug; Samuel Johnson; Hagar Thomas (colored) 1826 16 Aug; Benjamin Praul; Ellen Beatty (d of Edward & Eleanor dec) 1826 11 Oct; John La Forge (s of David dec & Gertrude Martling); Cornelia Simonson (d of John dec & Nancy) 1826 21 Nov; Walter Wendel (s of Peter & Sarah); Ann De Puy (d of John & Ann) 1827 06 Jan; Ellis Mundy (s of Joshua & Phebe); Sarah Ann Egbert (d of Tunis & Sarah Barton) 1827 05 Feb; Stephen McIntosh (s of Charles & Margaret); Mary M. Marsac (d of Michael & Rachel Jennings) 1827 18 Feb; Richard Johnson (s of James & Phebe); Susan Van Pelt (d of Peter & Margaret) 1827 24 Mar; David Wood (s of James Wood dec & Elizabeth); Eliza De Puy (d of Nicholas & Catharine) 1827 24 Mar; Winant Haughabout (s of Peter & Ellen); Sarah Britton (d of John & Rachel) 1827 29 Mar; Benson Seaman (s of William & Elizabeth); Eliza Jacobson (d of John V.D. dec & Helletje) 1827 22 Apr; Nathan Decker (s of John & ??? dec); Mary Ann Bedell (d of James & Esther) 1827 22 Apr; Israel De Puy (s of Nicholas & Elizabeth dec); Eliza Ann Decker (d of Abraham & Mary dec) 1827 06 May; Matthew De Pugh (s of John & Ann dec); Maria Simonson (d of John & Phebe) 1827 23 Jun; John Merrell (s of Thomas dec & Magdalen); Elizabeth Merrell (wid Davis d of Abraham dec & Ann) 1827 02 Aug; Adam A. Doyle (s of Robert dec & Elizabeth); Catharine Merrell (d of John T. & Eliza) 1827 22 Aug; Daniel Butler (s of Isaac & Catharine); Eliza Egbert (d of Cornelius dec) 1827 17 Oct; James Mussentine (s of John & Margaret dec); Catharine Pryor (wid LaForge d of John & Susan) 1827 24 Nov; John Decker (s of John & Martha); Sarah Alston (d of Japhet & Sarah) 1827 10 Dec; James Beatty (s of Edward & Eleanor dec); Ann M. Bryant (d of David & Jane) 1827 23 Dec; Cornelius Vanderbilt (s of John & Betsy); Eliza Martling (d of Benjamin dec & Elizabeth dec) 1827 31 Dec; Peter Van Pelt (s of Richard dec & Elisabeth); Betsy Butler (d of James & Catharine) 1828 15 Jan; David Moore (s of James & Catharine Perine); Mary Ann Barton (d of Lucy Egbert d of John) 1828 14 Feb; Israel Wood (s of William dec); Mary Parker (d of Nathaniel & Sally) 1828 06 Mar; John Freeman; Mary Prue (colored) 1828 11 May; George W. Chambers (s of William & Mary dec); Hannah Simonson (d of John & Ann) 1828 18 May; Lewis Mitchel (s of Peter & Sarah); Mary Boram (d of John dec & Sarah dec) 1828 18 May; Abraham Sharrot (s of John & Mary); Margaret Housman (d of Benjamin & Letty) 1828 03 Aug; Benjamin Price (s of Elias & Esther); Jane Blake (d of John & Mary) 1828 10 Aug; Joseph R. Heath (wid s of Simon A. & Eliza); Sarah Merrell (wid Egbert d of Richard & Martha) 1828 07 Sep; James Sharrot (s of Richard); ??? ??? (wid Van Cleef) 1828 11 Sep; Abraham Praul; Isabella Beatty (d of Edward dec & Eleanor dec) 1828 29 Nov; William Egbert (s of John & ??? dec); Mary Ann Lake (d of Widow Catharine Lake) 1828 14 Dec; Elias Price (s of David & Ruth Ellen); Polly Menee (d of Peter & Sally) 1828 31 Dec; Charles D. Wood (wid s of James & Ann; Elizabeth Jones (yd d of Abraham dec & Elsy) 1829 18 Feb; James Wood (s of John & Mary); Abbey Ann Simonson (d of Reuben & Jane) 1829 02 Mar; William Winnings (wid s of William & Isabella dec); Ann Simonson (d of Joseph & Rebekah) 1829 30 May; Joseph Bedillion; Eliza Peterson (colored) 1829 30 May; Aaron Fardon; Hannah Jackson (colored) 1829 15 Nov; John W. Burbank (s of Jacob & Ann Wandell); Gertrude Egbert (d of Abraham dec & Ann Martha) 1829 30 Dec; Stephen Squire (wid); Martha Egbert (wid) 1829 25 Dec; John Emmot; Maria Andee (colored) 1830 03 Feb; Abraham Garretson (s of John & Elizabeth Conner); Eliza Sanders (d of Peter & Eliza) 1830 04 May; Joseph Christopher (s of Joseph & Elizabeth); Maria Martino (d of Stephen dec & Eleanor) 1830 26 May; Daniel Mersereau (s of Daniel & Ann); Lucretia (Christiana?) Sharrot (d of John & Catharine) 1830 15 Jul; Augustus Luckenbach (24 s of Samuel & Sarah); Matilda Jacobson (17 d of John V. D. & Hilletje) 1830 24 Oct; Joseph Egbert (s of Abraham dec & Ann); Eliza Fountain (d of Anthony & Nancy) 1830 10 Nov; Andrew B. Decker (ym s of Jeseph & Catharina); Patience Egbert (wid Crocheron d of Ann) 1831 22 Mar; James Beatty (s of Thomas & Susan); Maria Housman (d of Richard & Judith) 1831 16 Jun; Mathias Decker (s of David & Catharine Decker); Jane Decker (d of John dec & Ann) 1831 18 Jun; John Simonson (wid s of Arthur & Mary); Rachel Baker (d of Jeremiah & Debby Ann) 1831 14 Aug; Charles Barbout (s of Edward & Margarett); Eliza Christopher (d of John dec & Elizabeth dec) 1831 08 Oct; James Simonson (s of Abraham dec & Susannah); Catharine Butler (d of James & Catharine dec) 1832 15 Mar; Stephen Martling (s of Garret & Mary Wood); Mary Ann Burbank (wid Bodine) 1832 15 Mar; Barnt Siebern; Delia Jackson (colored) 1832 14 Oct; Abraham M. Steward (s of Thomas dec & Hannah); Mary Ann Burgher (d of Mathias) 1833 26 May; John C. Thompsen (s of John E. dec & Mary Lake); Elizabeth Johnson (d of Anthony & Fanny) 1833 17 Jul; Edward Burbank (s of Isaac & Sally Egbert); Jane Britton (d of Nathaniel & Mary Bodine) 1833 01 Aug; John Burgher (s of Mathias & Hannah Tyson); Elizabeth Stilwell (d of Daniel & Hannah) 1833 29 Dec; Abraham Bodine (s of James & Margaret dec); Abby Ann Kinsy (d of Benjamin & Susan Ann) 1834 08 Jan; Edward Johnson (s of Edward & Mary Sharrot); Hannah Housman (d of Richard & Judith) 1834 12 Jan; Daniel Haughwout (s of Francis & Esther); Jane Jones (d of Abraham & Alice) 1834 13 Feb; Jacob H. Vanderbilt s of Cornelinus Vanderbilt dec); Euphemia M. Banta (d of Wiart dec & Sylva) 1834 21 May; Samuel Lesher; Elizabeth Nedicker (both of Germany) 1834 26 May; Leonhart Wilhelmin; Catharine Maurer (both of Germany) 1834 22 Jun; Elias Price (s of Elias & Hester); Mary Ann Lake (d of Joseph & Mary) 1834 13 Aug; James Thompson (s of Robert & Susan dec); Charity Guyon Romer (d of James & Mary) 1834 27 Sep; Jacob Housman (s of Benjamin & Mary); Susan Robbins (d of Nathaniel dec & Mary) 1834 04 Nov; Dennis Sullivan; Elizabeth Vanderbilt (d of John & Celia) 1834 19 Nov; James Egbert (s of James dec & Sally); Eliza Decker (d of Abraham dec & Ann) 1834 19 Nov; William Francis Post (s of Francis dec & Sarah); Martha Ann Egbert (d of James dec & Sally) 1834 26 Dec; George Lentz; Magdalen Jacky (both of Germany) 1834 30 Dec; Israel O. Dissasway (s of Israel R. & Ann); Lucretia Jacobson (d of John V.D. dec & Hellethay dec) 1835 14 Jun; William Townsend (s of John & Sarah); Dorcas L. Martling (d of Peter & Elizabeth) 1835 26 Mar; Tunis A. Egbert (wid s of Abraham & Ann dec); Charlotte Vanderbilt (wid De Foreest) 1835 03 Sep; Abraham Lockman (s of Richard & Catharina dec); Matilda Britton (d of Cornelius & Jane dec) 1835 12 Oct; Oliver Martin (s of Moses dec & Nancy); Sarah Ann Vanderbilt (d of John & Presilla) 1835 14 Oct; Abraham Vanpelt (s of David & Ann); Ellen Maria Dorset (d of John dec & Martha dec) 1835 01 Nov; Abraham Tyson (s of Peter & Mary dec); Elsie Jane Haughawout 1835 23 Nov; James Livingston Lynch (s of James & Rachel); Olivia Ann Marsac (d of Michael & Rachel) 1835 23 Nov; William Thomas (s of Thomas & Elizabeth dec); Mary Ann Hilyer 1835 05 Dec; Williamson Decker (s of Reuben dec & Maria dec); Mary Bonnel (d of Enos & Rachel) 1835 16 Dec; Barnet Jones (s of Daniel & Elizabeth); Sarah Hatfield (d of James dec & Sarah dec) 1835 17 Dec; Charles Van Name (s of Aaron & Deborah); Catharine Decker (d of John & Elizabeth) 1836 20 Jan; Henry Burbank (s of John & Ann); Elizabeth Alston (d of Japhet & Sarah) 1836 21 Jan; Martinus S. Lake (s of Daniel & Catharine); Ann Eliza Parker (d of William & Ellen) 1836 09 Feb; John Brooker (s of William & Lucy dec); Catharine Simonson (d of Abraham & Margarett) 1836 12 Jun; David Mersereau (s of Peter & Elizabeth); Ann Holmes (d of Samuel & Margaret) 1836 04 Sep; Moses Alston (s of Japhet & Sarah); Sarah Ann Decker (d of John dec & Nancey) 1836 25 Sep; Isaac V. Snedieker (s of Abbraham I. Snedieker & Sarah); Margaret E. Beatty (d of John & Elizabeth dec) 1836 05 Nov; Isaac Butler (ym s of James & Charity dec; Martha Swaim (wid Butler d of John & Martha) 1836 20 Nov; David Decker (s of John & Martha); Mary Frances Decker (d of John dec & Ann) 1836 28 Dec; John White (s of George & Jane); Evelina Thompson (d of Peter & Ellenor) 1837 02 Jan; John J. Baker (s of Joseph dec & Susan); Eliza Romer (d of James & Mary) 1837 28 Jun; James Van Cott; Emeline Smith 1837 09 Sep; Leonard Fountain (s of James & Mary); Mary Wadsworth (d of John & Elisabeth) 1837 11 Sep; John Elmwood; Sarah Wolfe 1838 03 Feb; Ferdinand Thum; Jacobina Small (d of Adam & Margaret) 1838 13 Mar; Thomas Fitzgerald (s of William & Mary); Frances Tubbs 1838 11 Jun; Jacob Walker (s of John & Maria); Gertrude Freeman (d of John & Mary) 1838 14 Oct; James Hatfield Merrel; Susan Ann Scharret 1839 07 Jun; Joseph Egbert (wid s of Abraham dec & Ann); Ann Downs (d of John dec & Ann) 1839 11 Aug; Philip Leiser; Maria Hetwig Fries (both of Germany) 1839 31 Dec; Samuel Decker (s of Silvanus); Margareth Ann Wood (d of Peter) 1840 29 Mar; Thamas Holmes Egbert; Elisabeth Ann Merrill (d of John T. & Elizabeth) 1840 02 Jun; Joseph Lake (wid); Ann Egbert (wid Prall) 1840 14 Jun; Richard Ditten; Jane Cannon 1840 01 Sep; Theodore Ounis Siersema; Meda Lenting (both of Holland) 1840 13 Sep; Stephen Egbert (wid s of Abraham dec); Abigail Simonson (d of Isaac & Elizabeth) 1840 30 Sep; George W. Sprague; Sarah Maria Decker (d of Andrew) 1840 04 Oct; Richard Decker (s of John & Alcy); Harriet Egbert (d of Samuel & Elizabeth dec) 1840 18 Oct; Peter Cozine; Hannah Maria Vanderbilt (d of Edward & Mary Ann) 1840 22 Dec; Stephen Martling (wid s of Garret & Mary Wood); Sarah Jane Burbank (d of Isaac & Sarah) 1841 06 Apr; William Loveridge (of England); Rebecca Lewis (wid McLees) 1841 11 Jul; William Skarret (s Thomas & Patty dec); Sarah Ann Corson (d of Daniel & Catharine) 1841 20 Jul; Charles Adams; Henrietta Cubberly (d of Isaac) 1841 22 Aug; Peter Van Pelt (s of Peter); Mary Kneeland (of England) 1841 27 Aug; Richard Tyson (s of John); Elizabeth Housman (d of Richard) 1841 14 Sep; Johann Wilhelm; Christina Frederika Kurrlin (both of Germany) 1841 26 Sep; Nathan Housman; Catharine Blake (d of Richard) 1841 24 Oct; John Randolph; Emma Ann Hicks 1841 09 Nov; James Guyon (s of Harry dec); Elizabeth Ann Coddington (d of Samuel & Catharine) 1841 22 Nov; James S. Lake (s of Daniel dec); Jane J. Mercereau (d of Josua dec) 1841 28 Nov; Joseph McClymer; Elizabeth Millington 1842 02 Feb; Benjamin Y. Williams; Catharine Stodhoff (wid of brother-in-law Williams) 1842 06 Mar; Adam Wagener; Christina Bubalin (both of Germany) 1842 11 Apr; Joseph Lake; Sarah Hicks (wid) 1842 08 May; Abraham Noble (wid); Grace Gillesby (of Ireland) 1842 14 Jun; Louis Gontz (of Germany); Margareth Schmidt 1842 22 Jun; Edward Barton (s of Samuel); Louisa Jacobson (d of Catharine Connor wid Woods wid Jacobson) 1842 04 Jul; Alexander Boyd; Rebecca McNab (both of Ireland) 1842 06 Jul; Richard Stephenson; Mary Ann Drake (both colored) 1842 19 Jul; Joseph A. Humphry; Hester Elten (d of Abraham & Sarah Sharrot) 1842 25 Jul; John Egbert; Mary Room (of Ireland) 1842 09 Aug; John W. Burbank (wid s of Jacob); Ann Egbert (d of Abraham dec) 1842 05 Oct; Edward Egbert; Susan Garretson Bodine 1842 13 Oct; William Po. Noble (of Maine); Susan Housman (d of Ann wid) 1842 13 Oct; Richard Connor jr (wid s of Richard & Sophia); Ann Smith yd (of Antigua) 1842 20 Nov; John E. Perine (wid); Rebecca Jane Lewis (d of James) 1842 20 Nov; Joshua Mercereau; Sarah Ann Perine 1842 28 Dec; David M. Mersereau (s of Daniel); Annette V. Lake (d of Daniel dec) 1843 ?? Feb; Joseph Romer (s of James & Ann dec); Jane Moore 1843 24 May; John Vanderbilt Egbert (s of Tunis); Ellen Simonson (d of John & Catherine) 1843 16 Aug; Nicolas Burger (s of Mathias & Hannah); Catharine Eliza Noble (d of Edmund) 1843 05 Oct; Mathias Swaim (s of John dec); Margaret Jane Egbert (d of Abraham & Ann) 1844 29 May; John Krohm; Susan Wright 1844 04 Aug; John Copes; Isabella S. C. Egbert (d of Tunis) 1844 09 Sep; Charles Henry Shaw; Louisa Fountain (d of Clarissa wid) 1844 23 Oct; William Winant; Hannah Burger (d of Mathias & Hannah) 1844 11 Dec; Stephen H. Williams; Sarah Brown (d of Joseph) 1844 15 Dec; Daniel De Pugh; Elizabeth Decker 1845 12 Jan; Cornelius Cole Eddy; Mary Ross 1845 15 Jan; William W. Stillwell; Cornelia Burger (d of Mathias & Hannah) 1845 20 Feb; John H. Sprague; Henrietta Prall (d of William dec & Ann Egbert wid Prall now Lake) 1845 21 May; William Maines; Ellen Baker (d of wid Susan) 1845 15 Jun; William D. Simonson; Jane Eliza Koss (d of William) 1845 18 Jun; William V. Vroom (s of Christopher & Maria Houseman); Catharine Maria Egbert (d of John dec & Lydia Seguine) 1845 25 Sep; Abraham S. Egbert (s of John & Lydia); Mary Eliza Bird 1845 30 Sep; James Bradley; Ellen V. Vanderbilt (d of John & Cecilia) 1845 12 Oct; Abraham Van Duzer (s of John & Sarah); Eliza Ann Vanderbilt (d of Edward) 1845 29 Nov; Thomas Charles Holmes; Mary Elizabeth Jay (colored) 1846 01 Jul; John Barnes; Rebecca Maria Egbert (d of Abraham & Ann Burbank) 1846 27 Jul; George A. Fall; Mary Elizabeth Woodward 1846 24 Aug; Isaac M. Brown; Mary Romer (d of James) 1846 01 Sep; Mathias Burger jr; Hetty Maria Vanderbilt (d of Cornelius dec) 1846 04 Nov; Edward Bodine (wid s of James dec); Martha Ann Bedell (wid Decker) 1846 07 Nov; Emmett W. Hyde; Margaretta M. Lake (d of Daniel dec) 1846 20 Dec; Thomas Sharrot (s of Thomas Sharrot dec); Mary Elizabeth Voorhis (d of wid Mary Vanderbilt wid Voorhis formerly Rhine) 1847 14 Feb; John Oldfield; Martha Levinia Merril (d of Jonathan & Maria Egbert) 1847 28 Apr; George W. Wright; Jane M. Bradley 1847 19 Jul; George W. Knox; Sarah Jane Mercereau 1847 16 Aug; Ludwig Velein; Margaret Petersen 1847 13 Sep; John Burger; Margaret Ann Garrison 1848 07 Jan; Jans Geritt Koninge (of Holland); Johanna Schumacker (of Holland) 1848 12 Apr; Isaac H. Van Duzer (s of John & Sarah); Mary M. Yerks 1848 02 May; Ernst Papst; Marie Lingelbach 1848 17 Jun; Thomas Scales; Mary Ann Jenkinson 1848 26 Jul; Jacob Bodine (gs of Isaac & Sarah Burbank); Harriet Emily Bodine (d of Nathaniel Bodine dec & Maria Garretson) 1848 07 Aug; Japheth Alston (wid); Elizabeth Wood (wid DePugh) 1848 17 Sep; John Pforr; Clara Catharina Margareth Schneider (d of Jacob & Maria clara) 1848 04 Oct; James B. Baker (s of Susan); Elizabeth Bridget Burtingham 1848 01 Nov; William Henry Sharrot; Sarah Elisabeth Vanderbilt (d of Cornelis dec) 1848 10 Dec; William B. Seawood; Ann Neats (d of William & Dy) 1848 31 Dec; Henry Prall; Miss Elizabeth Neats (d of William & Dy) 1849 14 Feb; Joseph McLean (wid); Sarah Mallen 1849 14 Feb; John McKee; Mary Murray 1849 08 Apr; Peter Van Pelt (s of George); Mary Jane Lewis (d of Henry) 1849 08 Apr; Johannes Schlect; Rossina Raff 1849 15 Apr; James Hetherington; Catharine L. White 1849 22 Apr; William Hetherington; Ann Cary 1849 29 Apr; John N. Crocheron (s of Nathan); Mahala Selina Blake (d of Daniel & Ann) 1849 03 Jul; Robert J. C. Johnson; Ann S. Baker 1849 07 Oct; James Wilson; Margaret Fitz Patrick 1849 01 Dec; George W. Corson (s of Richard); Emeline Simonson (d of James) 1849 22 Dec; John R. Van Name; Hanna Maria Cannon 1849 24 Dec; Christian Block; Rebecca Knief 1850 15 Jan; Benjamin Griffin; Content Decker 1850 02 Jun; August Zilkens; Anna Maria Graz 1850 13 Oct; Frederick Wunsch; Margareth Korneman 1850 21 Dec; Jacob Bauer; Margaret Hoegel (wid Erzer wid Jakle) 1851 26 Jan; Heinrich Scharlach; Friderika Wohlfahrt 1851 24 Mar; Gerd. Struss; Margareta Lohmyer 1851 03 May; Robert M. H. Jones; Susan G. Perine (d of Simon) 1851 08 May; Heinrich August Senne; Deborah Fitzinger 1851 06 Jul; Cornelius Bird; Lydia Egbert (d of John & Lydia) 1851 04 Sep; John E. Vanderbilt (s of Edward); Sarah Julia Brindley 1851 16 Oct; John Hull Olmstead M. D.; Mary E. B. Perkins 1851 30 Nov; Jhns. Jansen Tyaden; Louisa Antoinette Oym 1852 21 Mar; James Anderton; Ellen Bowman (wid Richardson) 1852 06 Apr; Edward Wood; Catharine Maria Egbert 1852 30 May; Friedrich Lange (wid); Metha Struss 1852 04 Jul; Heartwell Bellow; Elisabeth Cavelly 1852 01 Sep; Edwin Tyson; Jane Tyson 1852 05 Sep; Johanes Ochs; Doratha Fey 1852 12 Sep; Lamont Williams; Eliza Simonson (d of John) 1852 30 Nov; John William Housman; Hester Maria Vanderbilt (wid Burgher) 1853 26 Mar; James Lockman (wid); Dorcas Britton 1853 03 Apr; Sydney Booram; Mary Catharine Butler 1853 12 Jun; Johann Alfrank (wid); Gertrud Hutmacher 1853 28 Jun; Conrad Sinning; Henriette Rosalie Gummert 1853 27 Nov; Warren D. Alston (s of Warren); Mary Elizabeth Freeman (d of Smith B.) 1853 30 Nov; Daniel Wandell jr (s of David); Jane Elizabeth Garretson (d of James B.) 1853 07 Dec; Thomas Luby; Julia Palmer Voorhis (d of Mrs. M. Vanderbilt wid Voorhis) 1854 03 Jan; John Schmidt; Catharine Eulner (d of Valentine & Catharine) 1854 23 Apr; John G. Simonson (s of John); Elizabeth Latimer (d of John dec) 1854 18 Jun; Lawrence Hilliard Bogart (s of Timothy); Sarah Catharine Martling (d of Stephen) 1854 29 Dec; Jacob Herman Garretson; Elizabeth Egbert 1854 11 Sep; Henry Britton; Elizabeth Britton 1854 29 Dec; Garrett Vroome; Mary Elizabeth Martling 1855 01 Jan; Samuel Pharo; Catharine Elizabeth Perine 1855 14 Jan; Alexander Littell; Hannah Jane Egbert 1855 22 Jan; James T. Allen; Frances Louisa Smith 1855 14 Feb; Varnum Slocum Mills; Dorcas LaFarge Martling 1855 24 Jun; Hiram Stillwell; Frances Ann Johnson 1855 01 Jul; Jacob Egbert; Catharine Simonson 1855 04 Jul; J. A. Woodland; Eliz. A. Turner 1855 18 Sep; Mr. Butler; Miss Milton 1855 23 Oct; John Lisk; Miss Mary Ann Harrison 1855 31 Dec; John Wm. Egbert; Sarah Ann Wandell 1856 09 Jun; Henry C. Raymond; Eleanor Johnston 1856 08 Apr; Jacob Maree; Catharine Koebel 1856 15 Jun; Christian Silberhorn; Paulina Seibert 1856 19 Nov; Henry N. Timolat; Violetta Britton 1857 01 Apr; Charles Henry Winnett; Charlotte Jane Richardson 1857 21 May; Julius C. Warner (of Macon GA); Mary E. Squier 1857 30 May; Daniel Ditton; Mary Ann Sharrot 1857 10 Jun; Benjamin Simonson; Sarah Adeline Egbert 1857 25 Aug; William Henry Horton; Phoebe Ann Tenbroeck (colored) 1857 15 Nov; Thomas Jenkins; Sarah Elizabeth Butler 1858 07 Jan; Lawrence ???; ??? 1858 03 Feb; Joseph Housman; Lydia Vanderbilt 1858 04 Feb; John Henry Petersen; Maria Sayles (colored) 1858 04 Feb; William Henry Smith; Diana Spicer (colored) 1858 23 May; Carl August Brumhuber; Catharina Elizabeth Schade 1858 30 Jun; Oliver Vanderbilt; Sarah Houseman 1858 25 Aug; Jacob Britton; Lena Van Pelt 1858 03 Sep; John Daniel Mahkin; Anna Maria Oehlmann 1858 07 Sep; John E. Woodland; Maria Ward 1858 02 Oct; John D. Fink; Miss Barbara W. Bogart 1858 08 Dec; James Vreeland (s of Jacob & Elizabeth Lockman); Elizabeth Martling (d of Stephen) 1858 23 Dec; Williamm W. Hale; Miss Elizabeth Blake 1859 15 Feb; Raymond Tysen; Miss Louisa Barnes 1859 27 Oct; Albert Vroome; Caroline Lafarge 1859 08 Dec; John D. Sharrot; Harriet Houseman 1860 01 Jan; John Stillwell (of Southfield); Sarah Romer (of Westfield) 1860 01 Jun; John Sharret; Ellen Freegard 1860 20 Jun; Abraham S. Wood; Emeline C. Tysen 1860 25 Jun; Eugene Swift; Sarah Ann Burbank 1860 06 Sep; David M. Colon; Catharine Hendricksen 1860 11 Sep; James E. Abbatt; Catharine Adeline Tysen 1860 28 Nov; William Taylor; Emeline Egbert (d of Cornelis) 1860 25 Dec; George Lewis Reader; Catharine Vroom (d of Christopher) 1860 27 Dec; James Simonson; Ellen Egbert (d of Edward) 1861 06 Jan; William Balzer; Harriet Martling 1861 25 Jan; William E. Emmons; ??? Seymore 1861 28 Jan; Peter Heal; Emma Swift 1861 10 Apr; William Thompson; Elizabeth T. Mallett 1861 14 Apr; Samuel L. Thompson; Sarah Amelia Houseman 1861 12 May; Elias Whitehead; Elizabeth Summers 1861 05 Sep; Henry Armstrong; Jane C. Johnson 1861 22 Sep; William P. Alston; Eveline Burbank 1861 18 Dec; Davis Carel Hapenny; Susan Ann Cole 1862 02 Feb; Richard Blake Vroom; Eleanor Briggs 1862 07 Aug; John Luckert; Jane R. Van Pelt 1862 28 Aug; John P. Conklin; Marietta Egbert 1862 19 Oct; Charles Perry Cole; Mary C. Burgher 1862 24 Dec; Cornelius D. Guyon; Mary L. Burgher 1863 30 Dec; William Briggs; Susan A. Boone |